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"He fucks better than he looks...and that beautiful face is going to be clamped between my legs as soon as we get home, don't you worry."
~ Jeaniene Frost.

"Helion, something seems to be wrong with Feyre." I say as we help each other put our clothes back on, slightly laughing as I survey the state of my mates office, chairs toppled over and paper all over the floor.

"The baby?" He asks straight away, already knowing what i was going to say as he walks from around the desk and circles his arms around my back, before pressing a kiss onto my huge stomach that was becoming a literal pain in the arse.

"Yeah, when i was with Aunty Amren, before the argument-"

"There was an argument?" My mate whispers as he looks into my eyes with concern.

"Yeah, basically she told me that I wasn't part of the night court so the thing with Nesta and Feyre was none of my business."

Helion become rigid after i say Nesta's name, likely remembering the...tension between us.

"Why was Nesta there?" My mate asks calmly, although i can feel the room temperature increase slightly, both with worry for me and slight anger.

"Well, she walked into the apartment saying how Amren knew these things about some sort of sword, and didn't tell her. And then, when things started to heat up Feyre came in, covered in paint trying to calm Nesta down, but then Nesta implied that the inner circle were keeping something secret that was about Feyre and her babe. Turns out, Feyre is likely going to die giving birth to her child because the baby is illyrian-"

"And her pelvis Isn't" Helion finishes solemnly, drawing a curt nod from me.

Silence echos throughout the room as a watch as Helion's eyes drift to my stomach, just as i feel the shield around my and our babe strengthen even more.

"Hey," I whisper as I place my hand on his cheek, drawing his gaze to meet mine.

"I'm okay, we're okay, baby." I say, feeling the fear Helion is unknowingly sending down the bond, reminding me of when Helion broke down and told me about feeling like he failed me and the baby. I can tell how he's still worried something bad would happen to us, and he wouldn't be able to help.

Sending strength and reassurance down the bond, Helion leans in, capturing my mouth with his as I draw him closer to me. Well as close
as possible with this massive baby bump I have.

I go to bite his lip but he pulls back before I can, causing a wine to leave my mouth. These pregnancy hormones are making me horney as fuck. Not even five minutes ago were we pounding into each other, and already i need my mate in me again.

Helion tuts before sending me a vicious smirk which is not helping me calm down. "If we keep going any further, baby, then we wont' be going anywhere anytime soon."

"But Helionnn!"

I narrow my eyes at my now laughing mate before i realise the significance of today.

Helion cocks his head at the smrik that i send his way. "Don't you remember what day it is, sunshine boy?"

Rolling his eyes at his nickname, he looks lost in thought before his eyes widen along with his mouth at the relaisation. "It's been six months."

"That it has," I smile back, "but whether or not anything will happen today is debateable, after what has happened."

"Hmm true, but that being said, good old angry sex may help them out."

"Have i told you how much i love you?"

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