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"Sometimes what you don't say is more powerful than anything you could say."

~ A.D. Aliwat


"Ummmmmmm, can we uh-"

"Talk?" Eris interrupts as he stands aside, allowing me space to walk through his door.

"Yes, I was getting there, thank you very much." I grumble as I storm into his room.

Ohhhh. It smells just like him. Like the sharpness of cinnamon on a cold autumn day.

Uhhhhh why does he have to smell so fucking good?!

"Are you sniffing my room?"

Oh fuck-knuckles

Turning around, trying to look as sophisticated as possible I gasp, "Umm excccuuuse me!? I was not smelling your room. I'm not a dog Eris."

All amusement just vanished from his eyes as he huskily whispers, "No, you aren't."


Whelp. This is awkward.

"Right, so imma just come out and say this because I'm not good with communicating to people about feelings," I say, gaging out the last part. "So uhhhh, you might want to sit down for this. Basically, I lied."

"What do you mean you lied?"

"Everything I told you in our secret spot. About me not loving you, about me being with Asher, about using you, it was a lie all of it." Shit, why is there water leaking from my eyes!? Bad water! Stop! Mother, this is embarrassing.

Seeing the awful and humiliating state I'm in, Eris practically leaps off the chair to get to me, cupping my face in his hands.

"Wait, so it was all a lie, all of it?"

"No, not all of it! The last stuff I said to you was a lie you idiot, aka. I fucking love you you piece of shit!" I cry, as he pulls me into his embrace.

"Why did you leave me then?" Eris whispers, his voice breaking.

"I l-left because y-your dad."

"What did he do?!"

"H-he told me if I didn't leave then he would kill my parents. I d-didn't have a choice. And then I went to Asher because he was the o-only person I could go to! But...your dad came to find me anyway, even though I left you. He stormed into Asher's house and had some guards hold him down as he watched as B-beron w-whipped me."

Whelp. I'm such a mess.

Pulling back, I look into Eris's eyes. "He whipped you?" His voice so sharp it cut through my heart.

I nod, unable to say anymore fucking words because of the bloody mess I was in.

"I'm going to kill him."

Cool. Wait what?!


"So, do you think it will work out between Eris and Bronwyn?" I ask, excited to see another set of mates after what Mum went through.

"Hmm? Oh yeah" Jasmine says, as she looks into the distance. Clearly something was on her mind and that was causing the temperature to plummet.

"You okay there? Your making my the room ice cold and I have fire magic, so it's not the best combination for me." I joke, trying to boost her mood.

"Oh right, yeah sorry." Jasmine gets up from the bed and makes her way over to the balcony, looking at the sky once again.

"Why do you like the sky so much?" I ask, curious as to why I always saw her standing on the balcony, looking up at the sky. Sometimes Asher would come and stand with her, his arms wrapped around her stomach with his chin resting in the crook of her neck, making me wonder if I would ever get something like that.

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