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"Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark."

~ Pierce Brown


Two days.

It has been two days and she is still unconscious.

She is my mate.

I don't even know her name.

I need to know what caused this.

Who caused her that much pain?

Where did she come from?

Her hair indicates Autumn.

But her wings...Illyrian.

"I want you to find out everything you can. Now." I don't bother turning towards the two sisters, knowing they understood my order.


"This is some voodoo hoodoo shit, man."

"No, it is the mating bond." My sister says, love filling her eyes at the thought of her mate.

"Well, I can tell you now. I don't want to be experiencing that."

"Just wait until you find them."

"If they turn me into you, then they will suffer a very painful death."

"You can't just go killing your mate because they make you happy."

"Hey! I'm happy!"

"Sure, B ,sure."

We continue walking towards the offices. Praying that we can help our friend. Praying that we can help this female.

"What are we going to do if we can't find anything on her?"

"We will. We have to. For Helion. Poor guy needs some good news, and happiness in his life."

"Can you go one second without attacking the guy and his mood swings?"

"Cauldron no, that just takes the fun out of everything."

"How are you his second?"

"Because I'm better than you." I say turning around to bop my sister on the nose, quick to turn back towards the office, running away, cackling.

"What did you do?"

"Don't ask me, ask you mate."


"What did she do?" That voice. His voice immediately calms me.

Turning around, I see my mate walking towards me in all his glory. His tanned skin glowing in the sun, as he drew his hand through the deep chestnut curls on top of his head.

I crossed my arms, a pout on my face, "she bopped my nose."

He laughed.

The audacity he has.

"And you are laughing because?"

"I am mated to a child."

"Low blow, Ash,low blow."

"You love me really." He says leaning down to kiss me, but is interrupted by my sister.

"Ew, gross, save the lovey dovey shit for later. We got work to do, and by we I mean you," Her finger pointed at Asher, moving to point at his workstation, "We have a visitor, but unfortunately she is unconscious, and before you say anything, no it wasn't me, so we have no idea who she is or where she came from. So chop chop, we haven't got all day."

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