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"The feeling that she had never really lived in this world caught her by surprise. It was a fact. She had never lived. Even as a child, as far back as she could remember, she had done nothing but endure"
~ Han Kang


That fucking dick.

I think as I slam my fist into the punching bag again, glad for the gloves I had on that softened the blow a little bit.

Alternating the punches, I think back to last night when Cassian agreed to training me so that I would have the power to protect myself. Satisfaction wouldn't fall upon me until that happened.

"We start at dawn"

Please, what a load of bull shite.

For the last hour, I've been training myself, seeing as the so-called 'General' of the Night Court, didn't bother to show up to training!

I throw more punches into the bag as I think about the precious extra hour of sleep I could have had. But no! I had to be here for dawn, just to end up punching a bag for an hour.

Deciding to take a break, I slip off my gloves and pick up my drink, only then noticing the Illyrian male running out from the House of Wind into the training area.

By the time he makes it to me, I have my arms crossed and glare daggers at him.

Wincing a bit before he speaks Cassian says, "I'm sorry that I'm late, but I had a meeting with Rhys and the others which I was told about just before I left my room to come down here."

See, now what's pissing me off is that it wasn't even his fault, so I can't even blame him now!

Drawing in a deep breath, I growl out, "One fucking hour Cassian. One more hour I could have spent asleep in my bed, but no, I thought you know what Aurelia? You're gonna get up, and get your arse down to the training area for dawn to meet Cassian. But was he there? No, no he was not."

"Listen-" Cassian goes, no doubt trying to wiggle his way out of it but I wasn't having it. My sleep was deprived. My. Sleep.

"No, no, no. You will listen to me, buddio, and listen closely. Tomorrow, I will not be training until an hour after dawn, and if you have a problem with that th-"

"Yes okay whatever, let's get started on training because we don't have much time. Go back over to the punching bag and carry on doing the alternating punches. I need to check your form." Cassian interjects.

Taking a deep breath in, calming the fire within my veins, I walk back over to the bag and show him what I imagined doing to his face.

Whilst we were training, Cassian informed me about the topic of the meeting. He said that Rhysand and Feyre, thought it was best if my aunt took Nesta to the Court of Nightmares as a way of seeing how Nesta's powers react to certain magical objects.

"You should have seen Amren's face when Rhys told her, I thought she was going to kick him into another mountain." Cassian laughs, causing me to let out a smirk in return at the thought of Aunty Amren and Nesta having to work together.

"So is it just my aunt and Nesta going to the Court of Nightmares?" I asked, unsure if it was a good idea for the two of them to be left alone considering that me and my aunt were both very close to ripping Nesta's head open, Feyre's sister or not.

Cassian directs me over to the middle of the ring as he holds up his hands, urging me to throw the punches in the sequence he gave me earlier.

"We're all going. Well, apart from you and Lucien."

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