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                      "I don't think anyone could ever criticise me more severely than the way I viciously                                                                                           criticise myself."

                                                                                      ~ unknown

"I'm coming back with you." Aunty Amren says, beginning to move towards us. Rhysand looks up at us and goes to say something, but before the words can leave his mouth, Aunty Amren turns back and kicks him into the mountain behind. I flinch at the impact and turn into Lucien, hiding away from the conflict caused by me.

We winnow back to the townhouse, everyone sat around waiting in anticipation to see who came back first. Upon seeing it was the three of us, everyone's faces grew concerned, "don't worry, he is still alive." Well I guess that was that. Aunty Amren wasn't exactly reassuring with regards to any injuries but it seemed to calm everyone down enough.

She turns to me asking, "Want to come live with me?"

I look at her shaking my head, "Sorry Aunty," I begin, looking at Lucien smiling, "but I think I'm going to stay close to my twin for a while, I don't want to be a bother either."

"You are no such thing, my phoenix, I understand completely, where is the boy staying?" The question, directed to the High Lady, who was distracted with her mate.

"The House of Wind." Was all she replied, concern lacing her features.

"Excellent, I shall go to my apartment to retrieve some things and meet you guys there. The house is protected with shields so you'll be safe there, but I'm not leaving you alone, not again," I give her a small smile before she begins walking off, barking orders at the two warriors in front of us about taking us up to the house.


Even though I wanted to stay with my brother, I knew that he would want to be alone after being denied the opportunity to see his mate. So I asked how to get into the library that my old friend currently resides in.

The priestess, who I found out to be called Clotho, welcomed me and directed me to where she knew Gwyn would be. Following her directions, I'm immediately knocked on my arse by a rushing priestess. I look to find who ran into me, and to my luck it was the one person I needed.

Smiling I tackle, her into a hug and then immediately apologised remembering all the bad things I endured that fateful evening, realising I didn't know what it was she went through. She smiled at me reassuringly and had me follow her to an office where she dropped off some books, before leading me to a table.



We both stop and laugh before I indicate for her to go first, "I'm so glad you're here. I didn't think I'd see you again."

"Neither did I. The High Lord told me about how you asked for his help in finding me."

"Of course I did, you are my friend."

"It wasn't necessary, I appreciate it I do but -"

"Don't even finish that sentence, you are worth it, and he was happy to help find you. He even said something about his spymaster."

"Azriel, yeah his shadows found me, they saved me." I said, smiling at the comfort they bought me, the smile immediately disappearing remembering today's events.

"What is it?"

She looks at me with determination. Adamant that she will get the answer. I look back just as determined not to answer.

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