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"The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend."
~ Heather Brewer


By the time I've had the bath I longed for, it was time for Feyre, Cassian and I to go see the Bone Carver. We winnow to the bottom of a huge mountain, and while Feyre and Rhys have their moment, I look to Cassian and back up to the mountain that I have to climb.

"I should have trained more."

Cassian looks at me at a loss for words. In all fairness to the male, I doubt he would have thought that would be my take on the situation.

"We are about to go into a prison filled with dangerous creatures and all you care about is the climbing up a fucking mountain?"

I would be correct.

"Well it's a bit big innit? I mean, honestly, you could have warned me about the climb, C-ASS-ian."

"Why do all my nicknames involve you calling me an ass?"

"Because you are an ass, plus it's right there in your name. Just begging to be used."

I look up at him and smile, a real smile. Considering the fact that I'm insulting a general, I am having a blast and by the look on his face he seems to be as well. He then proceeded to turn to Rhys saying, "Get back to Velaris, you mother hen. We'll be fine."

"Remember who you put in here, Cassian." The shiver that ran through the male next to me, made me look back up to the top of the mountain and question what was actually in there. If one of the greatest Illyrian warriors was scared, what sort of creatures were locked in this prison?

"Best left for another time." I quickly looked to Cassian, unsure as to what question he was answering.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes. Yes you did. But at least it shows that you aren't totally insane." Before I could wack him around the head, Feyre did it for me.


"What?" Cassian shrugged, while letting out a chuckle, "I appreciate the fact that she is now questioning the inmates rather than just worrying about the climb."

Before either of us could reply, the general began the trek up the mountain. Why was he going so fast? Doesn't he know I'm not built for this?

"You really think unleashing the Carver will do the trick?" Oh great he expects conversation and climbing. He has too great an expectation for me. I can do one or the other. Not both.

"You're the general, you tell me." How are they both doing this? How are they not out of breath?

"How do you plan on freeing him from the Prison?"

"I suppose our friend would know, since she got out."

"Do. Not. Even. Think. About. It." I grit out, in between my pants for breath. I hold up my finger to indicate that I need a minute to catch my breath. Both of them looking at me, Cassian with concern and Feyre with mild annoyance and me getting in the way of her plan.

I look up to see that we have finally managed to reach the entrance to the prison, looking inside I begin to question whether or not I can climb back down.

"This could be...a very bad idea." Glad we are in the same page, Feyre.

I follow Cassian into the cell, still holding his hand, when the Bone Carver turns around. I stumble backwards in shock, Cassian's hand squeezing mine in reassurance. I look at him, but he doesn't look back at me. I need him to look back at me and see the question and hurt and pain in my eyes.

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