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"The real you is not you; the real you is what is within you. What is behind your joy or your melancholy. What gives you the reason to ponder. What moves or stops you. What makes you you is you."
~ Ernest Agyemang Yeboah


"So, are we going to pretend like we didn't just feel the whole of Prythian shake?"

"Pretty much, considering the fact that we have more pressing matters." I slowly manoeuvre myself on the bed so I'm in a sitting position, my hand going to rub my ever growing stomach, "Like the situation with you and Eris."

"That situation being?" Bronwyn says, resting her back against the post standing at the end of my bed, a pillow once again sat on her head.

"Ummm his spacing? The awkward tension? The leaving without so much as a decent goodbye? You guys were so happy, what happened?"

"What has happened? I was trapped in a dungeon for 50 years torturing and killing people for information, we fought in a war and won, Eris went back up Autumn and has been weird ever since."


"It's fine, I'm fine, you just focus on my nephew." I laugh at my sister, watching as she moves the pillow off her head, lying on her side, ready to tell a story to my stomach.

Just as she was about to start, Koeschi peeped his head in to see if his new mother was here. Bronwyn popped her head up, moving and indicating for the child to join us. Koeschi curled into my sister, with her head going back to her story.

"Once there were two lovers, one held the power of light and the other dark..."


"What the fuck?" Cassian was stood in the doorway of the river house, "we...uh...meeting? I'm just-" he pointed towards the hallway, "yeah" and then he was gone.

I look beside me to see Feyre looking at the door, Helion's hand rubbing soothing circles along my side, "Well then."

Feyre looks back at me before bursting out with laughter, "I think we scarred him."

"I think we broke him." Rhys said a smile gracing his lips.

Helion flicks his wrist clothing all four of us before standing, holding out his hand to help me up.

"We should be on our way, but I will get back to you on your request Rhyssie," Helion begins, kissing Feyre's cheek, before standing in front of the High Lord, "This has been a very entertaining evening."

"We must do it again." Rhys replied to my mate.

I hug Feyre, kissing her cheek before going over to Rhys, "I have to say, I agree with you there." I say kissing the High Lords cheek before standing beside my mate.

"It's a date." Feyre smiles at the three of us, "now would you like a painting of this evening as well or just a round two?"

"Hmmm-" I think, looking at my mate, imagining a place where we can put a painting to scar the people of our court, "how about both?"

"I like the way you think, Batsy." A smirk ground on the Lord's face

"That's because I use my brain." I smile innocently at Rhysand.

"You're a cheeky one, you know that."

"Why do you think he's my daddy?"

A choked cough sounds from outside, causing us all to laugh.

"So, when's our second round?" Feyre asks.

"Hmmm how about we make this a biannual thing, every 6 months?" Helion suggests.

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