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"That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable"
~ Deb Caletti


"So we are just supposed to sit here and pretend like we aren't questioning where Aurelia went?"



"Bronwyn, she will tell us when she is ready."

"Ugh, I know but I'm just impatient."

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Asher says looking at me.

"Ha ha very funny."

Turning my attention away from my sister and her mate, I look to my own mate, his face void of emotion.

Wacking his arm, I ask, "Hey, you okay?"

Eris snaps out of his trance with a shake of his head, "Huh, what?"

"Are. You. Okay?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I watch him closely trying to see whether or not my mate is lying to me, but I can see no traces of it.

Something is wrong with him and I intend to find out exactly what that is.

The doors to the sitting room open, the High Lord and High Lady walking through with two people behind them.

Nodding my head towards the two males, I ask, "Who are they?"

Jasmine throws a pillow at me.


"Shut up."

"Make me."

"What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Why would anything be wrong?" Jasmine gives me a questioning look, while also showing that we will be continuing this conversation later. No surprise there.

"This is Perseus," Aurelia explains pointing to the male that looks very similar to someone, my head moves to Jasmine and the back to the male, repeating the motion several times before it clicks.


"What?" Jasmine says looking at me.

"Don't you see it?" I ask, continuing to look. between my sister and the male stood before us, "He's our brother." I whisper out.

"Shit." Jasmine says looking at me and then to the male in front of us.


"Well now that has been established," Helion begins, pushing a young male in front of him.

I jump back, "No."

"What now?"

"Flint?" Asher whispers, leaning closer to the smaller male, unsure as to whether or not it was real.

"Come again?" Jasmine asks confusion clear on her face.

"Helion-" I begin but am interrupted by the same male.

"He isn't Flint. This is Koeschi, a death-god, brother of the Bone Carver." Helion explains.

"Right," I say, sliding off the sofa, and slowly moving towards the boy, "Why do you look like a child who died five hundred years ago?"

"I do not know."

I continue my movement towards the boy, Eris going to grab my arm, but I move from his grasp. He doesn't get to act all weird and then try and stop me from going towards this child.

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