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"Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us."

~ Mimi Novic



Okay, so they are all here.

Every single person I wanted to avoid was currently in the sitting room, for fucks sake.

As we walk into the room, everyone's attention falls onto us, at first shock and relief shines on each of their faces when they see me. However, that look is short-lived as soon as they take in the two High Fae Peregrines beside me.

Looking at each sister I see that Bronwyn, who is still in her armour has an emotionless look upon her face, and yet flames so similar to mine dance within her eyes, showing the destruction she could cause in the blink of an eye.

Jasmine has ice cold fury chiselled onto the face, sending an icy glare to every person in the room. Especially the males.

Rhysand is the first one who stands up and slowly stalks towards us, stopping a good distance away with Cassian and Azriel on his side, mirroring the General and Emissary beside me.

"Aurelia, they aren't allowed to be here. This City was supposed to be kept a secret, no one from another court who isn't a night court citizen has been allowed to this city without direct invitation from me or Feyre. Doing so is an act of war."

"Woh woh, calm ya horses, we aren't here to start some sort of battle or anything. We are here because you bastards all fucked up." Bronwyn interjects beside me, as I watch her hand slowly inch closer to her sword.

The three Illyrians seem to tense up from the use of the word bastard.

Bronwyn of course notices as she rolls her eyes. "I can say that word because I'm a bastard too, so it makes it okay."

I look at Jasmine beside me who meets my gaze as she silently asks me whether or not I want her to step in for me and do all the talking but I shake my head softly, knowing what I had to do.

"Listen Rhysand, they come in peace, we all come in peace okay. They are here to help me, considering none of you seem to be able to do the job."

The vibe of the room changes instantly after my accusation as Feyre comes towards me. "Aurelia, I'm sorry that we didn't see what you were going through. We should have looked closer, especially after everything you have gone through recently. And more importantly, I'm sorry about what happened with the Bone Carver. I shouldn't have taken what I did and I'll likely regret it for the rest of my days. I understand if you don't accept my apology, there's a chance I wouldn't if I was in your position. But that being said, I am sorry regardless."

I think over Feyre's words before looking her in the eyes and replying, "I'm not ready to forgive you Feyre, what you did was unthinkable. You knew where she was and yet you never told me."

Tears start to blur my vision as I feel Jasmine and Bronwyn inch closer to me, bringing a comfortable presence. "The only thing that kept me alive for those two-hundred years was my mum, hoping that one day I would see her again, somehow, someway. Once we had left the Spring Court I winnowed back home and she was gone. I was too late. She died because of me, and you knew how much i was breaking, how much i was suffering day by day, even though i was away from Him, He still haunted my nights, constantly taking me back to a place i would give anything to forget." The room seems to freeze, waiting for me to finish my sentence as tears flow down mine and Feyre's cheeks. "You knew where my mum was buried, and instead of telling me, you gave her corpse to the Bone Carver for information. You took the one thing I had left of her, and threw it to the wolves."

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