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"We are tempted to think that we have reached the end of history, that it can never happen again. But history is made every day, sometimes by men of evil. And all too often, history repeats itself."
~ Daniel Silva


Calling back over the priestess, clad in warm yellow robes with touches of gold entwined within, I look down at my mate.

My Mate. whose smile easily outshines my magic, whose laughter could clear away even the darkest of skies, and whose heart I will forever cherish within my own.

"High Lord, Lady, will you please raise your hands and join them together so we can entwine your paths under the mothers eye." The priestess beside us proclaims.

Aurelia's hand meets mine in the middle as we raise them together, letting them bask in the glow of the sun, but all i could focus on was my mate, not the vows that were coming out of my mouth and my mates, or even the golden ribbon that gets wrapped around our entwined hands.

All I can see is her.

And that's the most beautiful sight I will ever be blessed by the Mother to look upon.

My golden one.

"I swear upon the Cauldron, and under the faithfull gaze of the Mother, that I will honour and protect the Day court, its land, and its people, from this day forward, until my day comes to dance among the stars." My mate smiles, her orange streaks framing her angelic and unwavering face.

She would never bow to anyone again.

She can live her life without boundaries.

She can live knowing that she has a whole court behind her.

She will never be alone again. I'd make sure of it.

"Then I now proclaim you, Aurelia, High Lady of the Day court."

As the words leave the priestesses mouth, I feel myself glow, sunlight coming from within me projecting into the room as the magic of Day falls upon my mate.

And then she glows.

All I see is her.

All I will ever see is her.

Unable to stop myself, I pulled my mate towards me, both of us encased in sunlight and pressed my lips against hers.

Her mouth, warm against mine answers with equal urgency and ferocity.

My hands cup the back of her head, allowing me more access to her mouth as I growl into her mouth, "Mine. My High Lady,"

Aurelia slowly pulls back, her arms hanging around the back of my neck, allowing me to see her still glowing, challenging the sun itself with her brightness. "And you are mine, you are my present." she smirks back, fire and sunlight swirling within her eyes as she pulls me towards her, our foreheads resting against each other.

"And you are my future, golden one." I smirk back, but meaning every word I said.

At this moment, I truly realised that there was no future for me without her, for who could live in a world without the sun?


"Is he okay!?" I ask, running towards Sasha, the best healer in the day court. Her short, tightly curled hair that laid upon her head allowed her to work without anything getting in the way, and unfortunately for me apparently worried mates are just as annoying as a stray piece of hair.

Fucking piss take if you ask me.

A sympathetic smile falls upon her face at my state, taking in my iced over hands. "Your mate is going to be okay, my Lady." I let out a breath of relief. "The blow knocked him unconscious, but caused no lasting damage. I gave him a tonic to help with the headache, so that shouldn't be an issue. If you have any more concerns or anything comes up, feel free to call for me."

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