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~ Jennifer L. Armentrout

You sure you want to do this, baby?

Fuck yes! You?

Oh, definitely. My mate growls down the bond, nearly making me moan out in primal pleasure.

My hand travels down my mate's body, almost brushing off the side of his tunic so I could feast my eyes upon his god-like chest, but I hold myself back as I trail my hand down him tantalisingly slowly.

Just as i go to palm my mate, i turn around, relishing in the growl that sounds from behind me as i sway my hips in my loose white silk dress over to Feyre who is currently sitting on a sofa wearing an outfit similar to what she wore under the mountain, only this time the material was pure silk.

Aware of everyone's hungry eyes on me, i straddle Feyre's lap, making sure my wings are comfortable behind me as i see a smirk grow on her sensual lips whilst my hand tangles itself within her hair, tugging her close to me so that we were pressed up against each other. A small moan leaves her mouth as we feel each other's every curve in this position.

Just as Feyre's eager lips go to meet mine, Rhysand says from behind us, lust clear in his voice. "Teasing now are we, Ladies?"

I turn my head around as i meet Rhysands stare, his eyes taking in every part of mine and Feyre's body as i look him in the eyes whilst i slip off one of the straps on Feyre's dress, leaving her breast on brief show before holding it within my hand, relishing in her squirm beneath me. "Keep yourselves occupied for now boys, you can do that right?" i question without waiting for an answer before I turn back to the female I'm sitting on and latching my lips onto hers.

I faintly hear my mate chuckle darkly behind me, "Oh, we most certainly can." But my focus is on the high lady whose tongue is now in my mouth, exploring it as her legs lift from the floor and wrap around my back, bringing me impossibly closer to her.


I bring Aurelia closer to me as the wetness between my legs grows more and more with every passing second. I feel her aching breast press against mine, one of them already being worshiped by her hand.

Moving her skirt which is now pooled up to her thighs, i move it higher, making her break the kiss so i could get it off her head. The dress she was wearing clearly didn't allow her to wear a bra as her chest is laid bare before me, so i waste no time before bringing it to my mouth, loving the moans that come out of her mouth as a result.

As my mouth attacks her chest, her hips automatically start bucking against me, so I move her thong to the side before surrounding my fingers within her wetness. Eagerly, I press my middle finger into her opening, watching Aurelia's head fly back as she bounces on my finger whilst connecting her lips with mine.

Feeling Aurelia pull down the rest of my dress, I decided to make it easier for her and vanish both of our remaining clothes, allowing us both to be completely on show. Pulling my fingers out of her, I gently but quickly pull her down to the carpeted floor, lying her down below me before I push two fingers into her whilst our tongues tangle together.

All the while, Aurelia's hand started rubbing on my clit, fiery heat forming in my lower stomach as we broke our heated kiss before focusing our attention on our mates beside us whilst continuing our movements with our hands.


"Oh we most certainly can." I smirk as I turn towards Rhys who was already looking at me with a certain smirk i haven't seen in a long time.

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