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"In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun."
~Madeline Miller

What is going on? I think as I watch as a male with peregrine wings exits the pond, water dripping down his lean frame as he finally manages to stumble out of the murky waters before collapsing on the dried out grass.

I rush towards him as the child-like god stays sitting under a tree, his curled shoulder-length brown hair kept out of his face due to the wind. There was some familiarity that I felt in the back of my mind at the twelve-year-old looking god, but I pushed it away as I ran towards the kneeled-over fae male whose hands were clasping his chest.

I crouch in front of the male, placing my hands on his shoulders as I lean down to meet his face which is covered by long dirty-blond hair that easily fell past his shoulders. "Hey, hey, are you okay?'' I ask, still confused as to what is going on as the male in front of me looks up, making something inside me reel back as another wave of similarity crosses my mind. The thought fades away though as I find it leads to nowhere. I wish Hybern were here to help, he would know what to do.

Coughing, the grey-eyed male in front of me meets my gaze, relief clear on his face. "Thank you, thank you for saving me, Aurelia. I've been waiting a long time to meet you."

"I'm sorry but i don't understand.'' I reply, shaking my head.

"It's okay, you will in time. We all will, but not that we are here, I believe I owe you a favour. What is it she needs Koeschi?" The male says, directing the last part to one of the death gods sitting under a tree.

Whilst looking at the eclipsed sun above us, he murmurs, "Bring back her memories."

"What do you mean bring back my memories, i haven't forgo-" My voice catches in my throat as I let out a blood curdling scream.


"He is my brother."


"I didn't want to be alone"


"How do you not let it win when you feel like you're drowning?"


"I need to know how I can help my sister."




"You are a survivor, Feyre."


"Hey, bro."


"Uh, Aurelia, nice to meet you."
"Rhysand. I spent a long time looking for you."


"She's my twin."


"Aunty Amren?"


"Look at you my phoenix, rising from the ashes."


"You are not a burden either. People have accepted you into their lives because they care. Not because they pity you."


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