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"The best stories are the ones with the unexpected plot twists that no one would have guessed, even the writer."
~ Shannon L. Alder

"No." Eris says, his voice firm with decision.

"Eris, I have to do this, it's the only option, there is no other choice" I plead, as I look into the eyes of my brother I have come to love.

Walking towards me, with a similar fire in his eyes, he cups my face as he says, voice soft and yet unwavering, "There is always another choice. Always."

I feel tears prick my eyes as I shake my head, placing my hands over my brothers, "Not this time, brother, not this time."

"Well too fucking bad, I will lock you in the fucking Day courts palace, and ill guard the door myself." he growls.

"Woh, Eris, what the fuck?!" Bronwyn yells from behind him after I flinched at my brother's threat.

Moving out of his hands, i flare my wings behind me as i say, voice hardening, "I'd like to fucking see you try."

Eris steps closer to me so that we were head to head. "You forget, little sister, that i am centuries older than you. There is a lot you are still yet to experience, so don't think that you would come out of this confrontation successfully."

"And don't forget, brother, that I have survived through things you can't even imagine, things that are too dark and evil for even your nightmares to conjure up for you. So, get it in your head that i have experienced a lot of things already, so fighting you will be nothing but an annoyance." I growl through clenched teeth as fire and sunlight bull up on my hands, making me remember the new title and magic I had recently acquired. Eris seems to notice this too, as his eyes flicker down to my hands before meeting my gaze once again.

"I am High Lady of the Day court. You don't have the right to stop me."

Eris looks as if he has been slapped in the face as he pales slightly, his hard gaze fading slightly as pain clouds his features, but as soon as I see it, it disappears, along with any hope that this situation would end well.

"You know what? Fine. You are the High Lady, it's not my place to speak to you as such and I do provide my sincerest apologies, my lady. I hope that you can forgive me for my lack of formality. If you will excuse me." Eris says, winnowing away somewhere before I could stop him.

This is the best way for me to go about this, if i push them away then the pain won't be as bad.

At least that's what I tell myself as I near a conflicted Bronwyn, whose arms are crossed across her chest, almost as a barrier that will prevent her from engaging in this conversation.

"You know I can't do it, I won't." She says, as a crease forms between her brows.

"Bronwyn, you need to listen to me, this is the only way things will turn out well." I emplord.

"Really? Ohh tell me how you dying helps everyone else."



I release a deep breath before I say, "He- Hybern wants me, and we all know why at this point, so the only way for him to fail is if you kill me now, there is no other way. And if you dont kill me, then he will kill your sister, Asher's mate, Kallis' daughter, the future High Lady of Winter, and her fucking baby, your niece or nephue! They. will. Both. Die. So what would you rather it be, me or them?"

Horror is on Bronwyn's face as she stares at me in shock and anger, "What the actual fuck!? You cant ask me a stupid arse question like that!"

"Everything will be ea-"

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