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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

~ Robert Frost


"So you're telling me that in the matter of one evening, Jasmine has established that Prynthia believes Asher and Bronwyn are mates, Asher is to attend the High Lord Meeting in two days, the situation between Eris and Bronwyn-"

"Amren is requesting a visit tomorrow." Bronwyn interrupted my analysis of events.

I look between the two mates, watching their interactions. Something has changed but the bond is not yet complete.


That won't do.

"Aunty Amren is coming?"

"She wants to make sure you aren't dead," Bronwyn said finishing her meal, "you throw that bread roll at me and you will regret it."

I look to my left seeing Jasmine lower the roll in her hand, "Well if you didn't say stupid things I wouldn't have to resort to such measures."

"Have I missed something?" I whisper to the female next to me.

"The events of last night were resolved between everyone else, but not them." Aurelia whispers back to me.

Now that definitely won't do.

"Bronwyn, I want you to take Aurelia to the camp, continue what the Illyrian General started, with her training."

"This should be fun."

I look at Jasmine, "I need you to reply to Amren and tell her that she is more than welcome to come, then find me, we need to discuss the upcoming meeting."

The two sisters nod their heads at me in approval of the plans.

"What of my brothers?"

"They are free to roam as they wish, although from what I gather one of them is leaving soon?" I ask, looking towards the eldest Vanserra.

"Yes, thank you for having me, but there are matters that must be attended to in Autumn before the meeting."

Bronwyn looks at her plate, contemplation on her face.

What is going on?


I head to my room after breakfast to get ready for training with Bronwyn.

Hopefully it's not too bad, considering she is a female version of Cassian.

Once dressed into some training gear I found in my wardrobe, I head towards Lucien's room.

I knock on his door and wait for him to answer, "Aurelia? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything's fine, I'm about to head to training with Bronwyn, but I just wanted to ask if you would help me with my powers?"

"Of course I will." I smile at him, nodding my head, before turning to and fro, ultimately turning around and heading for the main foyer waiting for Bronwyn.


"Don't do it."

I don't even knock before entering his room.


He turns around, half dressed, mid changing into the correct attire, for his own court. My court. Our court.

A Court of Sun and FlameWhere stories live. Discover now