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"It's a big universe. No one can know it all ~ Harry Dresden"

~Jim Butcher


"Are you sure you have to go?" Helion asks, still laying on the bed, watching as I dress myself.

"Mmmm, pretty sure, yeah," I say nodding my head and scrunching my face, now fully dressed, watching my mate lounge around, "Now I will see you tomorrow, so if you can survive from now until then, then you shall receive a lovely gift." I swiftly turn away from my mate, purposely swishing my hips as I walk away.

"Ooo a gift," I listen as my mate flops back down on the bed, before quickly sitting back up and shouting, "Wait. What about a goodbye kiss?"

"I did say from now, you had your chance to negotiate and you missed out. See you tomorrow night, Sunshine Boy."


Walking towards the house belonging to Emmerie, I see Gwyn waiting and watching. Upon seeing me approach, she begins jogging towards me.

"Lia!" Arms wrap around me before I even have time to realise how close she was to me.

"Wow, you're super speedy."

"Training, the blood rite is coming up so we've been training a lot more recently."

"Oh, yes, I forgot you were partaking in that, I really do hope you are able to complete it. You would be a great Valkyrie."

"Come on, let's go inside. We've some cheering up to do."

"Well I am great at cheering people up."
The two of us laugh as we begin walking towards and into the Illyrians home. The chatter inside slowly dies as the two other females notice my presence.

"My lady." Emmerie says, beginning to bow.

"Oh no, please none of that. It's Aurelia."

"Well then, Aurelia," she sits back down, smiling as she says my name, "We were just sitting down for food, care to join us."

"I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Please," Nesta says, turning to me, "I could use your advice."

"Well colour me shocked," I gasp sitting down next to Nesta, "Is the Nesta Archeron asking me for advice?"

"Yes. Turns out me and Cassian are mates, and I may or may not have said some things and now I don't know what to do."

"Well he is your mate, so he will forgive you for anything that you have said. He has spent his whole life being unloved and hated by those around him and has found a fare few that have accepted him for who he is," I place my hand on her arm, her head turning to look at me, her eyes watering in the process, "you included. I can tell that you love him very much and that it is only fear of fully accepting this new you that is stopping you from embracing that love, and that is okay. So how about this? You take tonight for yourself and clear your head, and then tomorrow you go and talk to him about everything."

"That sounds like a wonderful plan. Now let's eat."

"That sounds like an even better plan to me."


"Right then, I suggest we all go to bed, Aurelia, Gwyn prepared one for you, she was very excited for you to be joining us." Emmerie laughs as Gwyn immediately began nodding her head in agreement with the Illyrian.

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