Chapter 8 : NOBU?!

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Timothee and Lilith settled down on the futuristic sofa set, leaving more than just an inch of space between them as the movie rolled in the flat screen TV. Lilith's attention was divided, however, between watching or trying not to think of anything in fear of Timothee suddenly blurting out words that relates to what she's thinking. Including what happened earlier when they went underground and they saw Dr. Park talking to the Las Plagas inside the glass.

After awhile, Dr. Park left before they started their movie binging. Lilith glanced to her right for a split second when Timothee leaned and grabbed a handful of berries from the white bowl and used his other hand as a plate. "Hey, we've got company."

Lilith involuntarily turned her head to the left and saw Jake enter with a wide grin on his face. "Whatchu tryin' watch?" He occupied the middle space as he picked up the DVD case from the table. " What's this all about?" Jake let out a silly laugh before returning the thing back and sitting in a 'comfortable' position. His arms around the two's necks and his leg crossed over the other. Considering his physique, he looked like a giant sitting next to two smaller giants. These two are TOO quiet. He thought. A sly smirk appearing for a second.


"This is boring." Jake blurted out for God knows how many times until Timothee stood up and turned the TV off. "Wait- I was watching that!" Lilith complained but Timothee didn't mind and just went upstairs. "I was watching that." Lilith repeated. Jake chuckled. "You two banging or something?"

Lilith gave him a disgusted look. "No!" Jake shrugged. "Fine. Fine. But are you his gf already?"

"I'm not-"

"Yet?" Jake laughed when Lilith glared at him as if she already had enough of his bullshit.

"Here comes the loverboy." Timothee came down the stairs with a completely different outfit from earlier. "Come on, redhead!" Jake followed the older guy outside. "Where are we going?!" Lilith grabbed her bag in a hurry as she stumbled upon the cobblestone flooring of Timothee's doorsteps.

"Get in redhead!" Jake sat on the rear to make way for her beside Timothee at the front. Good riddance.


Lilith tugged on the seatbelt after realizing they just stopped in front of her dream restaurant. Her mouth drooled a little when she read the sign.


"Welcome, Sir Scarrow." A waiter greeted them as they left the car and he took the keys from Timothee and drove it to the parking lot. Lilith's eyes were glistening. "I've always wanted to eat here." She muttered but the two heard anyway. When this isn't the first time she's been with these two Bioweapons but still, it never fails to amaze her how freaking picky they can get. They went to the highest floor and settled down on the table for three reserved for Sir Scarrow.

Lilith immediately took out her phone and went to Instagram. Of course, before checking some notifications and posts, her finger clicked on the start live button. "Hey guys..." She nervously chuckled. Turning her phone around to show the vicinity of the resto. "I'm at Nobu!" Lilith turned the camera to show the two but Timothee noticed. His expression saying 'don't' and the camera went back to her face again. "Shit, sorry..." Timothee sighed. Lilith stood up to lessen her embarrassment.

MaddyMoore: gurl, I thought you're broke?

Saoirse89: was that your sugar daddy?

Sar_jo: Eat well!!

Natasha_: you should try their White fish with Dry Miso!

Skeletonboi: can you speak Japanese though?

"Lilith, sit down." Timothee sternly said and she ended the live with a quick wave and hid her phone. "Hey, redhead. Can you speak Chinese? I think the one serving us is Chinese." Jake whispered as a waitress came. She's beautiful. She thought.

Waitress: 今晚要點什麼?(What can I get for you tonight?"

Jake and Timothee started opening their menus.

Jake: 我要扇貝和生魚片沙拉. (I'll have the scallop and sashimi salad.)

Timothee: 份黑鱈魚大醬和牛肉餃子和豆腐. (One black cod miso, wagyu gyoza and tofu.)

Lilith fumbled with the list as she scanned its contents. Some were in English while others were in Japanese. Can I just dig a hole and stay there for awhile?

Timothee: 她吃香津菜. (She'll have the shojin vegetables.)

Waitress: 有飲料嗎?(Any drinks?)

Timothee: 紅酒. (Red wine.)

The waitress nodded and repeated the order one last time before making her way to the chefs. "How the fuck do you two know how to speak Mandarin Chinese?!" Lilith mini slammed her hands on the table. "Me and Sherry were kidnapped before and brought to China." Jake answered. " And you?" Lilith pointed at Tim. " I practice learning languages as a hobby. And it's also useful for missions." Timothee raised his brows up two times as if to tell her it's a fact. That was freaking expensive!


(Belladonna Leathers)

Jake and Timothee went in the farthest part of the Leather shop while Lilith stayed in the corner.

Clerk: Here mademoiselle...

Lilith was dumbfounded when a female clerk gave her a tissue until she looked at the mirror and saw some ketchup smugged in some areas of her mouth. "Oh fuck." She quickly wiped the remains and threw the used tissue in the trash bin. How long have I been so clueless?!

Lilith leaned to the side to see Timothee and Jake trying out some leather coats and posing in action with a plastic gun as if to measure the speed of their movements. "These clothes are hella expensive." She mumbled while tugging on the price tags of the clothes around her. They love leather so much.


"Hey, thanks for tonight." Lilith was about to get inside Y/n's apartment when Timothee whistled. "Your bags." He extended his arms. "Oh shit, sorry." She ran back and grabbed her belongings. "Goodnight." He perked a small smile. "Goodnight." Lilith watched as he drove away from West End Ville.

"Lilith!!" Jia shouted from the doorstep. Lilith yawned as she stepped inside. "Wow! What is this?" Jia opened the plastic with something inside. "Oh wait." Lilith curiously removed the bag inside and observed its design. "Wtf, this isn't mine!" She opened it and a note fell.

"It's for you." - T

"Ayieeeee!" Jia teased. "Oh my God, go to sleep kid!" Lilith groaned as she ran upstairs to her room. Locked her door before Jia can follow. Lilith dropped her things on the floor and cleared the table for the new bag. After refreshing, she turned off the lights and opened a lamp that focuses on the bag with pink designs on it. "It's so beautiful."


"Y/n, we're here." Carlos gently shook the female beside him. Y/n involuntarily stood up, half awake and walked out with Carlos following behind. Her apartment welcomed them. "Don't leave." She yawned as she wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes again. Carlos chuckled. "We both have shifts tomorrow Y/n. You need to rest." Y/n looked up. The darkness hiding the tint of red staining her cheeks. "I took a day off though." She reasoned. "And I didn't." Carlos countered. "You're drunk from the Caipirinha, chika. You need to sleep." The Brazilian picked her up and brought her to her doorstep.

"Don't. Leave." Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist and cupped his cheeks. "Hey, hey, hey, Y/n!" Carlos unconsciously dropped her to the ground when she was about to kiss him. "Oww!" She groaned. Rubbing her butt from the impact. "Jesus Christ, Y/n. You gotta sleep." Y/n stood up and stared at him. "Kiss me before you leave."

"You're not sober Y/n. Maybe next time, ok?" Carlos walked past her and rang the doorbell. After a minute, Mother Amelia came and opened the door to see Y/n helplessly trying to reach Carlos's face. "Oh my God." Mother Amelia almost dropped her lamp. "She's drunk." Carlos nervously scratched his nape. "I'll take her from here." Carlos laughed. "Good night ma'am." "Bye bye!"

To be continued..

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