Chapter 84: Back in Business

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   Later that afternoon, Timothee just got out of the shower, clad in an all black outfit while wiping his hair with a mini towel. Descending the stairs, he saw Mother Amelia standing by the door with her arms crossed, looking side to side. He read her mind..

Where are those two?

He heard her say. Timothee dismissed it since maybe the old woman was just expecting some random company. He saunters to the the fridge. He grabbed a bowl and poured himself some food before sitting down on one of the chairs near the kitchen aisle. Not a second has passed after he lifted the spoon when he read her thoughts. 

I swear those two girls are too stubborn sometimes. The food I cooked is getting cold!

Timothee's eyebrows creased as he stared at the back of her head. Then he stood up, and walked towards the living room where she is, still looking out and about. 

"Mother Ame-"

"OH JESUS!" Mother Amelia flinched and held onto the doorframe for support as she faced the bioweapon with her other hand on her chest. 

Timothee took deep breaths and asked, "I'm sorry, for startling you. Is there something wrong?"

Mother Amelia sighed. "Jia hasn't come back yet. She said she went to Y/n to fetch her, but, where are they? It's been hours! I told her to get back for lunch." 

Timothee looked around the ground floor and indeed, the place was oddly quiet. Especially, no kid loitering about. He outstretched his arm towards the direction of the stairs and a little rattle sounded from above and up came his coat flying towards him as he snatched it with his free hand and slipped into it effortlessly. 

"Stay put." He says before leaving the building. 

Leaving Mother Amelia signing the cross over and over again. 


"There's firewood over there lad, fetch us some!"

"These clothes will dry in no time." 

"Do you think it will rain tonight?" 

"That soldier looks so handsome!"

As Timothee walked to the hospital, he kept himself from covering both of his ears as thousands of different voices entered his head and filled him up with different conversations. None of which he was looking for. His sister's and the little girl's. He went inside the structure and was greeted by a blue umbrella soldier. 

"Sir," the soldier saluted. 

Timothee stared at him lifeless as he read his thoughts. The soldier flinched. The bioweapon gave only a subtle nod and moved on. Then a nurse approached him, the same nurse who talked to Maximo earlier. 

"Hello, sir Scarrow! How may I help-"

"Which room was last reserved for my sister?" He sternly asked. 

"Oh, sir it's room 236." She promptly answered. 

Timothee nodded. "Name?" 

"Carol, sir." 

"When did you last saw her?" 

"Hours ago sir, she was discharged quite earlier than expected." 

Timothee looked at her one last time to see if he's lying before dismissing her. He looked at the room and heard a girl laughing in said room but it was a different patient with an inhaler in hand. Defeated, he stormed out of the building and looked around again. This time, he took note of the people on a wheelchair since that's what he saw retained in Carol's mind. There were two patients, one with a newborn in her arms, a nurse pushing her and her husband following with a bunch of bags on his back and shoulders. The other, an old woman with a cat on her lap with her daughter as the aider. 

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now