Chapter 56: Into the woods

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I was on my way back to my new home when I noticed the citizens are panicking. Some are even pointing towards the forest. What did they see? A bear? Impossible. We're far from mountain range so there can't be any bears around here.

Making my way out of the muddy path, I saw the door to our building wide open as if it was purposefully left that way. Alarmed, I skipped to get to it faster.

"What the hell?!" I shouted.

"Y/N!!!" Jia cried as she ran towards me and embraced me so tight.

I rubbed her back to calm her down as my eyes scanned the whole flat. No signs of forced entry or fighting whatsoever. I knelt to Jia's level and broke the hug.

"What happened here Jia?" I caressed her tear stained cheeks with my thumb.

"Ada was here and there was a mysterious man." She sobbed.

The thought of that creepy man I told Ada to look after popped in my mind.

It couldn't be right?

I felt my weave tingle and lift something in the air. I turned around. Wary of what my weave has discovered. It was a plant of some sort. Can be used as herbal tea or wound patch. But something was off. As I stood up, I noticed something gooey on the tip of its leaves. That black substance.

"Mold?" I frowned as I hid it from Jia as much as possible.

Then, the mold started to breathe. Just like how it moves in a molded's body. Disgusting. I got rid of it immediately by burning it in my hand. Yeah sure, my fire came from mold but I'm not the original host. It was from that kid back at the Waffenranch hospital.

The plant turned to ashes and I watched as it fell to the ground. I must keep that thing away from the others or else they'll mutate like those hideous creatures. Plus me. I already have T-virus running through my veins. I can't have that in me too.

I took deep breaths and faced Jia. Who's busy fiddling with the hem of her jacket and staring at the forest afar. I grabbed her by the shoulders.

"I want you to stay put Jia. Alright? Can you do that for me?" I half smiled.

"Y/n dear! You're back!" Mother Amelia came down the stairs with a Bible in her hands. "Is everything okay?"

Jia broke free from my grasp and went to the nun.

I looked around the flat one last time. No one can possibly enter here. Good.

"Mother Amelia." I called out as I fished for my keys inside my pockets. "I want you to lock this door from the inside."

She gave her bible to Jia for awhile and fetched the keys.

" Is something wrong dear?" She asked. Concern written all over her face.

I shook my head. "Whatever happens. Don't. Open. The door. Unless it's anybody you know."

They both stared at me like I'm a freaking ghost.

"Don't open the door unless it- it's you?" Mother Amelia pointed at me.

I bit my lower lip. "Yes. Yes. That's exactly my point."

I stepped out and they both followed. Stopping right in front of the door frame.

"Can I come Y/n?" Jia pleaded.

"No! You stay put Jia. I don't want you to get in trouble again! Mother Amelia is gonna be here with you until I come back."

I started following the path to teh woods and looked back one last time to see Mother Amelia waving at me before she closed the door. I sighed as I continued on. At the center of the base was the crossroads. A muddy road at that. I planted my feet on the middle and allowed my weave to seep through my shoes and crawl underground.

It's a technique my brother taught me. Since I don't really know how to manipulate my power through minds, he said I can use my weave to control it.

There's no saying they could've reached the building of Blue Umbrella so I'll just scope the entire encampment. Anyone might think of me as crazy for standing here doing completely nothing but they'll thank me later.

My weave peeked through each window and hole it can creep into and found no evidence of a breakthrough. Though I picked up some signals that they saw two people chasing each other into the woods.

That could be Ada. Knowing her, she'll probably use her grappling gun. She's lazy when it comes to chasing people. I didn't waste time and ran where my weave is leading me.


My weave came into a halt once we've hit forest deep. The skies are getting darker and darker. Occasionally casting shadows of the tall pine trees. I started to become cautious. I made my footsteps a little quieter and kept my eyes peeled.

I took two consecutive missions today and I'd be lying if I said I'm not exhausted. Still, I continued on on the trail. I turned on the flashlight attached to my backpack and switched its position so its on my chest.

"There's no bears around here, right?" I whispered to myself. I think I'm getting paranoid.

Phew. Focus Y/n. Focus. This mysterious man Jia is talking about must be the guy we're looking for. Long black hair, fair skin and an ambitious spy. If he wanted me he would've taken the chance but no. He's waiting. For who exactly? Jia?

Suddenly, I jerked my left foot upwards and hissed in pain. What did I just step on? My weave picked up the item and dropped it on my palm. I adjusted my flashlight and widened my eyes.

"Bullet shells!"

Then another one, and another one. At the end of the line I saw a fallen tree branch as if someone tried to hang onto it but failed. Breaking it on the process. My eyes traveled from the broken branch to the leafy ground where I saw a body lying on their side.

"Holy shit." I cursed under my breath.

Red shirt, skinny jeans and short black hair. Fuck.

"Ada!" I ran towards her and knelt down. I threw my backpack to the side and lowered my head to her chest.

"Phew." I panted as I laid my palm on my pulsing chest. "She's just passed out."

Suddenly, I spotted some kind of light source from a distance. Coming out of a red roof. I got up and walked towards my bag that I tossed near a random tree. I opened the zipper and took out my gun. The gun that Carlos gave me years ago. I also took some ammunition and stuffed them in my pockets.

"I think it's better if I leave this here." I said as I glanced at Ada who's still passed out.

I holstered my gun and tucked my hands between Ada's armpits. I lifted her upper body and dragged her to the nearest tree beside my backpack. Gently laying her on her back, I stepped back to make sure she's in a comfortable position before turning away.


I'm sorry for not updating for days. I've been on rest mode and can't really get my brain working. Writer's block.

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