Chapter 18 : The Mold

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Author's POV

Nathan woke up. Hissing from the burning sensation on his skin due to the friction created by the tight rope tied to his wrists and to the wooden chair he's currently sitting on. He blinked several times before gradually adjusting to the bright light fixed upon him. The room was damp and humid. There were no other sources of light except for the red and blue blinking from a bent over vehicle blocking the other side of the place and the one above their heads.

Nathan tried to wiggle himself out but the rope only made his skin sting in pain. He looked around for a sharp object but to no avail he found none. "Fuck. Veroni-"

"I'm here." Nathan jerked from his seat when he heard his wife's voice from behind. "Are you okay honey?" He asked. "I'm fine. I'm right behind you." She answered. Nathan reached for whatever was behind and made contact with Veronica's fingers and they intertwined. Turns out both of them were in the same situation. Tied up on a chair and completely oblivious of their surroundings. Veronica squinted her eyes and caught a glimpse of a quick flash of something reddish orange from a distance. Cigarettes. She thought. The smell of tobacco entered their nostrils as a shadow of a person was casted on the floor where the rays of the spotlight shone.

Then the sound of a metal chair being dragged through the cement sent them gritting their teeth. "Who's there?!" Nathan exclaimed. Veronica glared at the person who sat in front of her with a cig between her lips. "HAHAHA. You should see the look on your faces right now." Dorothy teased as she inhaled from the cig and puffed it right at Veronica's face. " All was well," Dorothy took a puff once more." until you came along."

Veronica spat at the ground and Dorothy just gave her a 'what the fuck' look. "I don't fucking care." Veronica snarled. Dorothy fixed her composure and took another puff. She exhaled through her nose and leaned closer to Veronica. "I have so much to tell you," Dorothy smirked as she dropped the cig and stepped on it. "bestie." Veronica almost puked at the term but she held it in.

Dorothy stood up and kicked the chair aside. "Take a look at my wonderful creation." She clapped her hands and the room became bright. "This!" Dorothy twirled around the thing hanging from the ceiling. "This is the megamycete!" Veronica widened her eyes while Nathan tried to peer over his shoulder. "My lifelong plan has finally come to fruition!" Dorothy's voice rose and echoed throughout the walls. But was interrupted by Veronica's cackle.

"After all these years. . . I thought you've known better than to be a vessel for those freaks." Veronica titled her head to the side and smirked. Dorothy chuckled. "All my LIFE I've been preparing for this. All my LIFE I've dedicated myself to the mold. EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!" Dorothy held her chin high then turned to Veronica's level. "Until one day," The blonde stepped one foot forward. " I was strolling through the facilities OH SO HAPPY. I came across a screen." Dorothy took another step.

" I saw a face. Venice Veronica HAPPILY getting married." Dorothy stopped in front of Veronica and crossed her arms. " And they announced the newly wed of the SCARROW family." Dorothy stepped to the side and started circling the two of them with her arms now rested behind her back. " You have everything, Veronica. Everything a normal person could ever wish for. You have him." Once Dorothy reached Veronica's side, she pulled the chair earlier again and sat much closer to the redhead.

Dorothy crossed her legs and sighed. "From the orphanage until here. . . You're EVERYONE's favorite. I looked up to you as your big sister, Veronica. I admired everything about you but no. No. No. No. I realized I had everything wrong. The doctors loved you, they even named you after a fucking virus , THEY ADORED YOU!!" Dorothy shouted as she slightly rose from her seat to project her words at Veronica.

"Tell me Dorothy what did I do wrong, huh?"


The air turned chilly as silence filled the air. Dorothy and Veronica held each other's gazes as they tried to contain their composure. "You have the audacity to enter my city. Interfere with my military-"

"The BSAA has nothing to do with your military-"

"YOU ROSE UP THE RANKS!" Dorothy sat back on the chair and shoved her hand inside her vest. "You took everything from me, Veronica. INCLUDING MY CONTROL OVER MY PEOPLE!"

" IF YOU DO SO LOVE THIS CITY OF YOURS DOROTHY WHY RESORT TO THIS?!" Veronica pointed at the megamycete with her lips. Dorothy shook her head while chuckling. She's still fishing something from her vest. "You don't understand Veronica. This? This is pure adoration. The megamycete gave me the only thing I've always wanted. . . Love. AND YOU GOT IT SO EASILY. "

Dorothy removed her hand from her vest and Veronica saw her holding a vial of T-virus. Not your usual dose. Veronica shifted her gaze from the liquid to Dorothy's eyes." That's not love Dorothy. You're blinded by power!" Dorothy stood up and bent so she's looking up at Veronica. " I'm not like you remember? I didn't have the brains. So I conducted my research. I founded this city and-"

" You're gonna fucking use these people as test subjects?!" Dorothy smirked at Veronica. " It's a gift Veronica. The mold is a gift."


Dorothy laughed as she removed the cover of the syringe to expose the long needle. "You'll never understand Veronica." Dorothy stood up and sat on the chair again. She propped her elbows on her legs. "All these years I've dwelled in loneliness. I trained endlessly and then I found the mold. I found my purpose. I'm not blind Veronica. Once I release the megamycete, everyone will bow down before the mold and accept their gifts! THIS IS A BLESSING!"

" YOU'RE A MONSTER!" Veronica growled at her. Dorothy shook her head. " You don't get it because you've never been through worse. You had it all within your grasp. So here. . ." Veronica's jaw dropped when Dorothy plunged the syringe on her thigh. Completely draining its whole content inside Veronica. " Fuck what's going on?! Veronica?!" Nathan squirmed in his seat. Veronica glared at Dorothy who's squatting in front of her giving her a sly smirk.

"How does it feel??" Dorothy sarcastically asked as she widened her eyes. "Huh? How does it feel? How does it feel? How does it feel?" Dorothy laughed as she watched Veronica shift uneasily in her seat and her veins glow blue.

"Sweet little Veronica! Entering the City of Waffenranch along with her loving husband and taking over my Police Force. Oh! Not to mention your kids causing havoc around here."


"Don't worry, I will. Afterall, I only want you." In a blink of an eye, Dorothy disappeared and the ropes around their wrists were cut off. Veronica stumbled to the ground. Nathan immediately attended to her. Her tried to rub her back and help her stand up but in the speed of light he was thrown to the farthest part of the room. Or cave I must say. "What the-" Nathan widened his eyes when he saw his wife's current state.

"Would you look at that!" Dorothy's voice echoed throughout the place even though she's not present. A bronze metallic scorpion tail retracted from the right side of Veronica's back. "HAHAHA! That's what I like to see!" Dorothy's voice started to change to somewhat diabolik. Then another scorpion tail came out from the left side of Veronica's back.

"You know what? I watched your kids' battle in the arena and I must say, Timothee is a striking resemblance of you Veronica. He has one tail while you have two." Dorothy laughed maniacally.

"Show yourself you bitch!" Nathan shouted at nowhere.

"And I almost forgot, Y/n! Her weave is a very special and rare phenomenon. A lot of people want her as a weapon. She can be useful for the mold y'know?"

Then hell broke loose.


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