Chapter 48: Judgement

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Meanwhile in Timothee's mansion...

It was pouring and thundering, waking him up from his deep slumber. His eyes darts upward where three lickers are hanging from the ceiling. Silent and still. He flails his arm to the left, hoping to land his hand on skin but it fell on the mattress. He sat up right away and saw this side of the blanket moved aside and no body.

"Lilith.." He whispered as he ran his hand through his hair and yawns.

Where could she be?

Timothee sluggishly stands and walks out of the room. The hallways are dark, save for the light illuminated by the moon. He goes down the stairs, holding on to the railings where he would occasionally touch a licker's tongue. Halfway there, he heard noises. A person talking.

Then there's light coming from the living room. Indian sitting on the sofa is the redhead. Her hair's all over her but she didn't care. Different kinds of fabric and yarn scattered around the table, in the middle is her phone on landscape mode. Turns out the voice came from the video she's watching.

She's knitting.

Timothee sat on the stairs. He props his elbows on his knees and intertwines his hands. Using it for his chin to lean on. He was about to speak when a licker passed by him.

"Tssss..." Timothee said to the licker. The creature responded with a flick of his long tongue before ascending back to give him and Lilith some privacy.

"You're still up?" Timothee asks once the licker was out of sight.

"Huh?" Lilith paused the video and looks up from her stuff. When she turns to her left, there he was staring right into her soul. "Oh! Geez."

"What are you doing this early?" Timothee stood up and saunters towards the sofa across Lilith.

He sat down and puts his feet up on the table while the female played the tutorial video again.

"How long have you been up?" Timothee never took his eyes off her as he referred to the different colors of yarns on the table.

Lilith shrugged. "About two to three hours now? What time is it?"

"It's two in the morning. What time do you usually get up?"

" Ten." Lilith giggled.

" Ten?"

Lilith was about to speak when the refrigerator opened by its own. Emitting light into the kitchen area which creeped her out. Suddenly, a bottle of wine floated out and into Timothee's hand.

"What the- shit!" Lilith dropped her stuff on her lap when a licker hissed at her from behind. She exchanged looks with the man in front of her and the licker who's now climbing up the stairs. Its tongue glazing the carpet before it went back inside its mouth.

"I... I need time to get used to this." She placed her hand on her chest to catch her breath.

"You will." Timothee left her in the living room and went to the kitchen to grab himself a glass and poured some wine it it. He sat on one of the bar stools with his back facing Lilith.

Lilith continued her business and dismissed the "paranormal" activities she just saw. Little did she know that Timothee was listening to the person talking in the video. It hinted that the tutorial was about to end and he heard the person mention a place where those stuff that Lilith needs can only be found there.

Lilith let out a mini tantrum by making those whining noises that kids do when they don't get what they want.

"That's too far." She complained. "Maybe I can have it shipped instead. What's your address here?"

Corporal RAMBO: MYCETE {Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now