Chapter 31: New Beginnings

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The officials of Waffenranch sat alongside Chris, Diana and Dr. Park. Inside a large tent are military crates scattered around with lamps sitting on top of it. A map sprawled out on the center top.  Everyone's got their own share of tea or coffee. Perfectly blending with the soft drizzle outside and the howl of the wind. The trees rustle and its leaves would cast shadows inside the tent whenever the sun rays hits it.

One of the leaders stood up and positioned herself at the edge of the table. "Settle down."
All heads turned towards her. The chattering died.

" I know you're wondering why we have gathered here today. We're here to discuss about the future of Waffenranch. Some of you have encountered  worse back in Raccoon City and Arklay. But, this... this is new..."

Chris muted her voice in his head and nudged Dr. Park who's sitting beside him. "Are you up for it?"

Dr. Park didn't budge but his eyebrows met. "Up for what?"

"The position."

Dr. Park uncrossed his arms and gave him a 'what the hell? ' look. Chris raised a hand and the woman gladly paused her speech. Extending her palm towards him.

"Who are your chosen candidates?"

"We already made a decision." Answered one of the leaders from the right side of the table. Chris perked a brow. Muttering an "oh".

He exchanged looks with Dr. Park and said, "Who?"

"Mrs. Redfield."

A chorus of applause chimed in the tent. Making Diana flustered. Her gaze switching from person to person seated in the table with her.

"But I-I-I–" Diana stammered. She rubbed her sweaty palms against each other.

"We've seen potential in you. You've shown leadership during the years you served in the hospital of Waffenranch and, we know we can trust you." The woman standing explained.

Diana lowered her head for awhile. Her fingers fidgeting her cardigan. She felt happy yet nervous. From a nurse to a teacher. From a teacher to a doctor. From a doctor to a mayor? Diana chuckled. It is indeed a big responsibility but if it means she can help the citizens then its fine by her.

Especially after what happened with the former lady in position. All of them began to have trust issues regarding who's taking the upper hand. She thought maybe they've been eyeing her since the beginning.

Diana glanced at Chris. And an idea popped in her mind. "I'm accepting this offer. Only in one condition."

The leaders looked at her expectantly. She assumed they were willing to listen to what she has to say.

"I want the BSAA to act as security of Waffenranch."

Silence filled the air as they all processed what she suggested. Chris on the other hand, was taken aback. Widened his eyes but was too quick for anyone to notice.

" That can be done, Mrs. Redfield. Is there anything else you want to add?" The woman waved her hand at one of the leaders and acted a paper and pen with her hands. Indicating the person should jot down some notes.

"Second, I want Waffenranch to be Bioweapon friendly."

" Anything else?"

Diana chewed the insides of her mouth before saying, " Can I know your names?"

The woman standing cleared her throat. "I'm Sasha Jones. I'm a hostess." Her afro hair made her stand out as she shaked hands with Diana.

"Andrea Brown. City Manager." Said the woman taking notes with french braids.

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