Chapter 38: Close Call

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"Yeah, I'm heading up. And we can discuss about the blueprint."

Shit. It's James!

Y/n scooted over to Ada as James stepped in and turned to press on the COP. He had his phone on one hand, his fingers tapping on the keyboard. As the car moved upwards, James lifted his phone to his ear.

"No coverage." He groaned. His eyebrows met. He then glanced at the two for a split second. "You got coverage around here-shit."

James sighed in defeat. He stowed his phone and crossed his arms over his chest. He titled his head up and closed his eyes for awhile. The soft rumbling of the car sent Y/n and Ada's hearts pounding. Their eyes wandered around the small compartment but their minds are focused on the man with them.

"Gloomy much?" James opened one eye and jerked his head to the side to give them a side eye.

None of them answered. The man unbelievably chuckled. Bearing the awkward silence alone. James looked forward again, his expression turned neutral. Y/n's grip on the parcel tightened each second passed. She shifted her weight from one leg then to another, impatience getting the best of her.

God, I don't know what this Anna looks like.


The interior of the lounge had Y/n hanging her jaw once the doors opened. It wasn't as bland as she expected. Above is a hanging square chandelier. At the center is a huge white round table with a floating screen. So Umbrella like.

James stepped out first and joined the other BSAA in the table. Blueprints, files and guns scattered along the top. On either sides of the area are several doors with names on it. At the end is a another door with a neon sign headquarters.

To complete the touch, the extra spaces are occupied with brown sofas that look comfy enough to sleep on. Despite the amount of soldiers Blue Umbrella has, the BSAA stood out the most. Y/n was thrilled to see Carlos sitting amongst them. Carefully examining a piece of paper. There's food on the table top as well.

Y/n shook her head and went to the right. While Ada to the left. Y/n's weave alerted her.

"Ada-fuck!" Y/n semi whispered as she tugged on Ada's uniform and dragged her with her inside she didn't know were restrooms.

Chris saw this. Especially the weapon on Ada's back.

"It's safe to move them tomorrow morning, tops." Wicked started when James took his seat. "Tyrell said five buildings are clean and ready."

" It's a hotel, it's goddamn spacious." Said Allen before taking a bite of his burrito. "I heard the electricity's still running, in some parts."

Chris lowkey glanced at the restrooms. The other soldiers walking to and fro either had a rifle or a handgun on their body, he dully noted. While the others are busy talking, he called on one of the soldiers.

"How may I help you, sir?" The soldier asked. His hands tucked behind.

Chris sat up straight. "What kind of long range weapons do you provide your soldiers? Given the sniper rifles?"

The soldier looked around. "Aside from snipers sir, we use heavy firearms as well. Like grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and the like."

Chris nodded. "Thank you. You may go."

The soldier salute and pivoted on his heel before he disappeared in Chris' sight. He picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts.



Keep an eye on the CB.


Wicked wasn't paying attention until Chris snapped his fingers at his direction and pointed at the phones.

"CB? Crossbow?" He muttered to himself and he looked at the restrooms. Then to Chris.

The latter nodded to confirm. Wicked forwarded the message to the boys. James tapped his finger on the table and pointed at Lee. His eyes wandered to the door leading to the headquarters.

"On it." Lee said as he jogged towards it. He opened the door and peeked inside. "Are you guys leaving or nah?"

"Oh we're done!" A female soldier replied.

"Ok. Imma lock this for awhile." Lee then closed the doors and locked it.

Then James looked at Allen, Wicked and Carlos. His three fingers pointed at the openings behind him. They all stood up and Allen went to the elevators. He turned something on the COP and leaned against it outside. Lee also followed. He opened the men's restroom and saw a soldier about to leave.

"You alone in there?" Lee asked.

"Huh? Y-yeah." The soldier gawked at him before he left.

" Check it first Lee." Wicked said.

Lee entered the restroom and pulled teh safety trigger of his pistol off. To his right are sinks with oval mirrors, to the left are the cubicles. As he passed by, he used his gun to push the doors aside. There's a total of 6 cubicles.

Meanwhile, in the women's restrooms...

"We're trapped." Y/n sighed as she placed her bag and parcel on the marble top near a sink. "If we screw this up, it's all over."

"It's not like you're working for someone, Y/n. Duh?" Ada chuckled as she entered a cubicle adjacent to Y/n.

"If Carlos finds out, Timothee's gonna find out! Don't you get it?"


Y/n swiftly turned her head towards the entrance. A shoe appeared. Followed by a leg and an arm with a hand holding a gun. Y/n gulped hard.

"Don't. Move." She said through Ada's mind.

Ada didn't move a muscle and listened attentively to whatever is happening outside. As the man approached, Y/n recognized him better.


Wicked looked at the sinks aisle. He frowned. Then to the cubicles. Nothing.

Cpt. Chris: Found anything?

Wicked reached for his radio and held it close to his mouth. He double checked the area, still no presence lingers around.

2LT Wicked: Nothing here, Cap. You sure you saw something?

From his point of view, it was empty. No shadow. No movement. Nothing. From Y/n's point of view, Wicked is literally standing in front of Ada's cubicle.

"If you sense him pushing the door, scootch." Y/n said again to Ada through her mind.

Ada bit her lower lip as she grabbed on the edges of the cubicle and pulled herself up. She flailed her legs and stepped on top the tank of the toilet.

Cpt. Chris: look closely, goddammit!

Wicked groaned. And just as Y/n suspected, before he could push the door, Y/n's weave came out and unlocked the knob by itself. Wicked kicked the door unexpectedly and aimed his gun.

"Nothing here." He said which made Ada sigh in relief.

He kept doing the same thing until he reached the end.

"Chris is being paranoid." Wicked walked out in pure disappointment.

Once everything seemed to calm down, Ada jumped off the toilet and placed her hands on both of her knees. Y/n released her control over Wicked's mind. The latter was snapped back into reality. He looked at his gun. Then back at the restrooms.

"What the hell?" He holstered his gun and sat back down instead.

"Phew. Close call." Y/n laughed.

After a few seconds, they all heard someone shout.



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