Chapter 37: Control

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C2 - Barracks

"What's the plan?" Ada peeked through Y/n's shoulder. A long hallway with multiple soldiers greeted them after a flight of stairs. They were chattering. Bickering. The amount of eyes made their trespassing much more difficult.

Y/n mentally scolded herself. Instant regret hit her for a millisecond. "We need to find an opening."

Ada sighed and she pulled out her grappling gun.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Y/n widened her eyes.

Ada aimed her gun up and squinted her eyes to calculate the distance. "I'll go through the vents. You have more possible chances of passing without getting caught than I do so..."

Y/n sighed. She turned to look back at the soldiers. "I'll give you the signal when--"

Shwing! Dug. Dug. Dug. Bam!

" -- I'm in." Y/n rolled her eyes as she spotted Ada waving at her from above before leaving her sights.

" Show off."


I crossed my arms over my chest and my weave covered my whole body. Including my bag and the parcel. I stepped into the light to see if I'm visible.

I'm not.

I smirked. I just have to make sure I don't bump anyone. They'll be shredded to pieces. Carefully, I started walking. I felt like a ghost looking for someone to possess.

Ada better make this work, or else...

Soldier 1: Yeah man, the BSAA can handle it.

Soldier 2: We're finally gonna have real people occupying upstairs.

Soldier 1: You sick of scientists?

Soldier 2: Nah, they're just not my type. I mean, you never know! We might find someone amongst the citizens.

Soldier 1: Keep you warm at night!


I passed by the two and came across a door slightly ajar. I just realized the doors have keypads which means, you need a keycard to enter. I guess this one's just a blessing in disguise.

So I slithered in.

I gently closed the door behind me and sighed of relief.

"Perfect timing."

I turned around to see Ada holding her crossbow and a soldier lying on the ground.

"I thought you said no killing...!?"

She raised her index finger to her lips. "Shhh! I just knocked him out! He'll wake up in an hour!"

" With what?! Your bow?!"

She rolled her eyes. " You were taking too long."

Ada carried the body onto the bed and placed a blanket on top of him.

" What was he doing when you got here?" I asked. I bent to pick up a book from the floor.

"Reading." She replied.

I flipped it and read the title."Gun Survivalist: A Heavy Firearms Manual for Field Combat Situations by Joseph Kendo." I opened the book in half and propped it on the soldier's face. "Classic. Carlos has a copy of this."

" Speaking of Carlos, shouldn't you be worried when he comes back and finds out you're...well, just beneath his feet?" Ada was about to talk more when we heard a toilet flush.

We turned around at the same time and saw the bathroom door slowly opening. Ada was about to do what she did earlier but I quickly pivoted on my heel and slammed my palm flat on the soldier's face once he came into full view.

"Not a word." I felt my weave on my hands tingle and the soldier stopped squirming. His hands dropped to his side and his breathing calmed down.

I removed my hand and stepped back.

"What did you do?!" Ada half whispered.

" Don't worry." I pointed at the other bed and the soldier walked towards it. " Sleep."

The soldier followed my instructions and buried himself under the blankets. The lamps on their nightstands dimmed by itself with just a snap of my fingers.

"Sometimes, I forget you're a bioweapon." Ada sighed. "Jesus."


12:15 AM ; JAN 25, 2021

"Off we go." Ada turned the knob and took a peek outside. "Coast's clear. What are we gonna do with this?"

She points at their old clothes.

Y/n looked up to check for any fire alarms. There is one.

"One wrong move and that'll start a sprinkler." Ada warned her.

Y/n extended her arm and hundreds of her weave wrapped the clothes in a shape of a cocoon.

"Good idea." Ada watched as Y/n burned the clothes inside the cocoon. Small orange lights danced around the strings like a fire from a fireplace.

"Let's go." Y/n picked up the parcel before they left.

Once out, they kept their heads low and their visors down. The soldiers didn't mind. Some passed by and some greeted them with a shoulder to shoulder which almost made Y/n drop the parcel.

"Who could this Anna be?" Ada walked a bit faster than usual to keep up with Y/n's pace.

They took a sharp turn where an elevator stood at the end of the last hallway. To their right was a full ceiling to ground glass with exercise equipments in it. On the left were numerous tables with a large counter on the side.

Y/n snapped out of her thoughts when the elevator ding! And two female soldiers stepped out. Assuming by their petite and curvy figures. The only difference was, their visors are up.

"Good riddance." Ada chuckled.

"It's Carpidyem and Zenya." Y/n unconsciously moved aside to make way for the two.

Ada slightly pushed Y/n to signal her to keep moving.

"We gotta get to that elevator before anyone does!" She semi whispered to the younger female.

They doubled their steps until they've reached the car. The two hopped in, their breaths skipped. Y/n positioned herself in front of the control panel and pressed C4. Y/n held onto the handrail and lifted her visor once the doors are closed.

"We're screwed if they find out." Ada lifted her visor as well. Beads of sweat trickled down the side of her face.

"They won't." Said Y/n.

Ada crossed her arms. "How so? You're gonna do that little trick you did on that soldier?"

Y/n gulped hard. "I mean...yeah? Why not?"

"Can you?"

Y/n snickered. "Are you mocking me?"

Ada smirked. " 'Cause if you can then we wouldn't have to wear these disgusting uniforms. Seriously, Y/n just admit it."

The latter frowned. " Admit what?"

" That you can't control minds more than—five?" Ada pushed herself away from the handrail and faced the doors.

Y/n stared at the back of her head. "So what if I can't? It's not my fault I didn't practice it. Unlike my brother."

Ada chuckled. " Kids your age are so dramatic."

Then the elevator stopped. Their heads turned to the control panel quickly.

"We've got company." Ada stepped back and fixed herself.


Oooh, who could it be? I kinda like the new cover I made for this book. Whadya think?

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