Chapter 85: Maiden of War

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24 Hours Later...


"Wake her up." 

I groaned in pain as two men hoisted me up through my arms dragging my limp body towards God knows where. My eyes are heavy that whenever I try to open one, it stings so bad. We were kidnapped. The details are hazy but after that depressing drive in the van, I felt seasick. I recalled vomiting once and a guy knocked me out with their bare fists. I think we were at sea that time. Then I was drugged. I can still feel it in my veins. That feeling where your brain is working much faster than usual yet your body is the opposite. I've never been this weak since the arena. Which was five years ago...

I squeezed my eyes shut when I felt sunrays hit the corner of my eye. How long has it been? Where are we? Why is it cold in this place? It's literally February.

"grăbiți-vă, nenorociților!" (hurry up, you dicks!) 

A man yelled from a distance. Their grips on me grew tighter, I could almost feel their nails digging into my sweater. Leaving nail marks on my skin later. Gross. Each step I took, the temperature just got lower and lower. Much lower than the walk-in-freezer we had back at Waffenranch. It's totally freezing out here. Where exactly are we?

We finally came to a halt and I managed to stand on my own feet. My arms were stretched behind me as one of the guys placed handcuffs on my wrists. I couldn't fight back even if I wanted to. My whole body is weak and who knows what they'll do to me and.. shit, where's Jia?!

I forced open my eyes and almost regretted it when a strong gush of cold air blew right past us. Carrying the smell of tundra. That is when it hit me, we're in the middle of a terrain full of snow. Over those white blankets, are weird-looking trees with old fashioned houses scattered everywhere. Further away, is a castle. But I'm pretty sure this isn't Disneyland right? Because that castle looks nothing like I've seen. It's gloomy and gothic. Something straight out of a medieval movie. 

I was lost from my train of thoughts when a carriage pulled over in front of us. Followed by two black cars with the logo of red umbrella. Nice. I didn't see who was driving the carriage but I noticed a fairly large man holding the reins and his leg literally sticking out of his seat. A gasp left my mouth when I was yanked off my spot and seated inside the first car. I looked around and saw Jia being dragged onto the second one. Fucking bastards. Then we drove off to the direction of the castle. Following behind the creepy carriage in front of us. 


Maximo joined them in the first car and rolled down his window. He lights up a cig and blows the smoke out as he eyes the bioweapon at the back in a teasing way. Earning a glare from her, he smirks victoriously. 

"Where are we?" Y/n asked. Her words laced with bitterness and anger. 

Maximo snickered. "Welcome to Romania, my dear." 

Y/n recalled the language one of the guys used earlier. 

"Worry not, you'll be in good hands," Maximo laughs, "they're your kind after all." 

Y/n pondered on those last words for the rest of the journey up in the mountains. Questions swirled in her mind. Are there other bioweapons like her? What else is Umbrella hiding in such a secluded place like this? One name lingers in her mind: Wesker. 

With all these thoughts clouding Y/n's mind, she fell asleep shortly. Not bothering to take in the scenery since the whole place itself is already depressing as hell. Not to mention the evil scent lingering in the atmosphere. Later on, they arrived at the heart of the village. In the middle, is a statue of a woman with bended knee, a shield guarding her front and her other hand holding up a sword in the air. 

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