Chapter 12 : Eugh, Sewers.

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Timothee's POV {The Next Day, Caffeinated}

"She said what!?" I couldn't help but snap. First, my morning was ruined due to me forgetting to take my dose. I'm starting to think I have Alzheimer's disease. Second, Dr. Park told me that dumbass of a Mayor just told him not to meddle with her 'plans' despite telling him that she cares about the welfare of her City. Welfare my ass.

"There's a possibility she's hiding something. But, I don't know." Dr. Park took a sip of his coffee and looked at me. "Did she say anything much more out of the Blue?" His eyebrows met, as if he's trying to think it through. Basically, I can just read his mind to get the answer but I'm not in the mood.

"That substance. They call it the mold." Now that piqued my interest. I didn't answer Dr. Park and just stood up to pull another chair from a different table and placing it with us. Dr. Park looked at the chair then back to me. "Are you expecting someone son?"
I arched my right eyebrow two times before sitting back down on my own chair.

Author's POV

"Girl, your brother's handsome as fuck." Ailene stared at Timothee dreamily as he stood up to grab a chair for whoever they're going to meet. Y/n mentally rolled her eyes as she punched a customer's order and gave them their change. This is the second time he and Dr. Park talked at Caffeinated. I wonder what it's about. I mean, I can basically read their minds but I'm lazy.

A few more people entered the cafe and what caught Y/n's attention was a tall girl donned in a maroon turtleneck top, skinny leather pants, chunky boots and leather trench coat. "Woah, who is that?" Ailene pointed at the same girl with a jet black hair. Yeah, who is that?

Ada sat on the chair Timothee took earlier and brought her left leg over the other. Her shades hanging on the bridge of her nose as she exchanged glances with the two men with her. "Hello, boys." Dr. Park abruptly extended his arm in which Ada sadly didn't shook. Timothee sighed and slammed his palm on the table top. "What's the plan?" Timothee asked. "The sewers are open 24/7. At 11 to 12, they round up the employees to retire for the night." Ada removed her shades and placed it on the table. "What do the soldiers look like?" Dr. Park inquired in order to not be left out.

Ada glanced at him and back to Timothee. "Umbrella Security Service or simply U.S.S."
Dr. Park and Timothee's eyes widened. " You mean, those wearing the standard fatigue black uniforms?" Ada nodded at Dr. Park. There was a moment of silence and Timothee recalled the night Jake (alongside Y/n while Jia's on the car) called for help and they were ambushed. "How can you be so sure?" Timothee stared intently at Ada as she raised a brow at him. Dr. Park drank his coffee in slow mo, not taking his eyes off the two.

"Is that your brother's girlfriend?" Ailene whispered to Y/n. She just shrugged. Leaving her colleague dumbfounded.

"Since the downfall of the U.B.C.S and his Bioweapons, Wesker unfortunately resorted to reviving the U.S.S." Ada added. Putting some stress on the word 'Bioweapons'.

" What's their goal then?" Dr. Park finally finished his drink. " Kill and destroy or find and detain." She cleared her throat and wore her shades. Timothee gritted his teeth. " Anything else?" His eyes were glued on the table where his knuckles bare white. Ada pushed her seat backwards and gave Y/n a quick glance behind her shades.

" You have to look somewhere closer. Much, much . . . closer."

Timothee shifted his gaze from his hand to her face and then she followed,

" Like home. . ."

Ada stood up and peered through her shoulder to see Y/n staring at her. So that's the she-Scarrow. She turned on her heel and pushed the glass doors and left for the streets. Timothee tried to read her mind but his thoughts were bamboozled. Closer? Home? Those two words were spinning around his head like a roller coaster. To him, it meant like there's a distraction and there's a main objective. But somehow, he couldn't find the missing pieces to the puzzle. What even is there to look at? Or maybe, Who? When? Why?


Timothee's POV

After dropping Dr. Park at the hospital, I drove off to the highways leading to Misty Street. Both my hands on the steering wheel and my fingers uncontrollably tapping against the rubber protection of it. My mind's in shambles, it's as if the metal gears are stuck like a broken clock. Ada likes to fancy her words like a riddle or a poem. They do make sense but. . . Fuck. I slowed down a little after passing by a motorcycle and truck accident near a lamp post. There's blood dripping from the biker's head and the helmet had a crack in the middle. For Christ's sake.

I contemplated whether to go straight to my apartment or visit the sewers. If I let this pass (wait till night time) who knows what's gonna come knocking at my door at such ungodly hours holding whatever against my forehead or worse, harm the people around. . . Wait, wait, you attract what you think, you attract what you think. Where did I even get that? I ran a finger through my hair as I switched lanes. Oh, I remember now. Lilith told me that.

"You attract what you think, Timothee. Don't let it bring you down."

I shook my head to shake off the silly thought and focused on the matter at hand. Come to think of it, I didn't ask for the coordinates from Ada. But I think it's close to the mines and industrial factories. These kinds of schemes require less witnesses so they can move freely. It's quite disappointing how you can't trust the very leader of this city. That dumbass of a mayor.

I double checked the compartments and my guns are still intact. Luckily, I came across a dull looking concrete with a semi circular entrance in the middle. There are soldiers on standby on either sides of the entrance and it confirmed my speculations. The white and red logo on their sleeve was enough proof. Plus the gas mask. Now how do I get in?


Author's Note

Here's a bonus edit for yall!

P. S I really miss Mena :(

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