Chapter 01 - The Haunted Past

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I kept looking at the waves, how they kept struggling to rule the shore yet they were again dragged back to the deep ocean, showing the dominant strength of the sea

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I kept looking at the waves, how they kept struggling to rule the shore yet they were again dragged back to the deep ocean, showing the dominant strength of the sea.

The ocean...

A normal person would love gazing at the sunset in the evening with their dear ones. Of course, It brings harmony and serenity. Well, it does bring peace and tranquillity to me as well, but, there was a sorrow I couldn't conflict.

Deep inside, there were blazes of agony that burnt my heart to ashes.

Why did you do that to me? How could you leave me like that?

I sighed and kept staring at the thin line on the rim of the ocean. The salty breeze wrapped me with its gentle and replenishing touch.

I love the waves, also I hate it so much...

There was no point in accusing anyone, the only one I could blame was myself. It was me, I was the reason it happened. Maybe, just maybe if I never met him, he would still be alive, won't he?

I gritted my teeth as I felt a tear streaming down my cheeks. How silly, am I still trying to be strong even though I know that my whole world is just filled with darkness? I felt a hand on my shoulder, patting me softly as he always does,

"Y/n, we should head back to our house now," I heard him saying. I quickly blinked to dry my tears.

It's useless, he knows me too well...

The man who was three years older than me sat by my side, hastily looking at the horizon which was covered with a mix of orange and light purple.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He started talking. I sighed. I knew he was trying to divert me, he knew who I was thinking about, and he knew everything.

"Yeah, but it hurts" I cleared my throat as I felt like there was a lump in my throat. He watched me, as he did, his eyes soften,

"It isn't your fault you know, we can't change what was meant to be,"

"But still-"

"It's okay Y/n," Jimin wrapped his arms around me, giving me the consolation I needed at that moment. I crouched on his shoulder with a heavy heart. His jacket kept flipping because of the wind. I stayed in his embrace for a while.

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𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now