Chapter 50- Captain Smith's Last Will

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Flashback continues~

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Flashback continues~

15th April 1912 - 3.15 a.m 

"Is anyone there? Can you hear us?"

"Can anybody hear us? Anyone alive here?"

"Hello! Can you hear us? Is anyone here?"

The body that was lying on the wooden surface was surprisingly breathing. He was still alive. He almost looked like a frozen corpse but no, he wasn't dead. His heart was still beating.

Jungkook winced his eyes and whimpered.

He couldn't move his numb body. His heavy eyelids slowly opened. He felt like he was drugged or something. The man couldn't control his own body. He tried to identify what was the source of the noise he was hearing on the dark cold night. It's been some time since the encouraging roars of the people vanished.

"Hello, is anyone there? " he heard from a distance.

"Am I already dead? Am I dreaming?" he wondered.

"Is anyone alive out there? Can anyone hear us?" the sound became louder, it was getting closer. The water splattered as the rows hit the water bed, moving the boat forward.

"Anyone here?" again the voice repeated.

Jungkook wide-opened his eyes, knowing that the sound was real. He wasn't dead, he felt the coldness that wrapped him. It wasn't a dream either. The voice was too real to be a dream. It was the voice of the reprieve. 

"Don't hit them, check everyone if there are any survivors!" it was the familiar voice of the second officer in command, Charles Lightollar. His voice uproared, frantically searching for survivors.

Jungkook tried to lift his head. His neck muscles had gone numb, unable to move. His doe eyes were swollen, and his lips were turned dark purple because of the lack of blood circulation in his body. He felt like his body would break like a toothpick if he tried to move.

The light of a torch beamed. It was aimed at where Jungkook was staying. He noticed the rays of light that were beaming from the far.

You have to get up Jungkook, help has arrived...

He breathed heavily, trying to call the boats. But his voice was cracked, his hoarse voice was almost a whisper. He didn't have the energy remaining in his body to shout out loud.

It's now or never

Jungkook got up supporting his body weight from his hands. He continuously puffed clouds of smoky air into the atmosphere. The boats were getting closer and closer. He had to gain their attention somehow.

"I- I" his weak voice whispered.

It was barely heard by anyone. It was difficult for him to find his vocal cords to come to life again. The hoarseness of his voice cracked, making him cough. That cough came out like a god's blessing.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now