Chapter 16- Gran Canaria

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"So it's all about glory and greed for fame isn't it?" I questioned as Jungkook told me about the change of schedule of the sailing queen

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"So it's all about glory and greed for fame isn't it?" I questioned as Jungkook told me about the change of schedule of the sailing queen. He let out a deep sigh and nodded.

"It's all that they need. British White Star Line is the biggest ship-building company yet. They want to climb the top of the mountain" he said clutching the steel wheel that was steering her.

I watched the horizon that was beaming the intense reflection of the burning sun. The temperature was getting high. We could feel the atmospheric changes as we were getting much closer to the equator. I was happy that we were finally able to get rid of the coldness of the Atlantic that made my teeth grind.

Jungkook invited me to the well-house, where the ship was being steered. It was my opportunity to drink my thirst out of curiosity about how things worked out here. Even though all the complicated gears and handles made no sense to me, it was amusing to watch how brilliantly Jungkook handled them. He was taking her on a smooth sail. 

The view from up there was spectacular. I traced my fingers down the glass of the window of the room. I could see the whole front deck and the ocean ahead like an article of painted blue clothing. Underneath my feet I felt the rage of the propellers, savagely cutting through the massive pressure of the water.

"Look there, we are here" I turned my head as Jungkook said, motioning his head towards the southeast direction.

I could see tiny itty bitty black dots in the thick blue sea. They could barely be defined as islands. You might be wondering why on earth our destination was a bunch of islands instead of England.

Well, some changes in plans had been made by the higher authorities.

Our route has changed to a surprise event for the passengers. As Jungkook told me, it was more than just to give a pleasurable experience and delightful surprise to the passengers onboard, it was just one stage of the plan that the owners of the Titanic and investors decided to gain their power and fame.

The Titanic being the biggest ship to exist in the world was a record itself but what if she make a record of the fastest ship to sail, and the strongest to bare a long journey?

That was the point those maniacs of the white star line were going to prove.

"Are you sure that the ship will be able to tolerate it?" I turned towards him who was sharply concentrating on the mounted lands ahead of us. He shook his head reluctantly, not being sure how to answer it.

"Normally for a ship, it'll be a hard ride. It won't bare it." He then looked down, insecurely stirring his thoughts. His head was hanging low.

"As the engineers said she's built to withstand all those conditions. So she'll hold it as far as I'm concerned" even though he said that I noticed that something was bothering him. I placed my palm on his shoulder.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now