Chapter 04 - Running Away

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The air filled with my panting voices

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The air filled with my panting voices. I gripped the street light pole to catch my breath. The large bag of mine was giving me terrible back pain. But I couldn't stop running, not at that moment.

I was a wanted person, I was named as a wanted criminal of the group of terrorists that everyone feared. And even worse, I was a wanted person to the Gambino rebels as well. You ask why?

Because I committed a murder, I killed one of the leaders, the elder brother of Beom Hyeon, I killed Beom Seok.

I kneeled, dropping my bag on the ground. The dim lights of the street were almost faded. The orange colour street light in the dark light made the surroundings look dull. The murk that coated me gave me chills. Everything looked scary.

I have nowhere to run away,

Suddenly a sob escaped from me. I was holding it for too long. The pain, the fear, the anxiety...I was holding everything for so long. Even on that cold night, sweat tickled down my forehead. I have never been shocked that tremendously before.

Everything that happened in the past hour was playing in my head. Beom Seok's body with the pair of scissors tangled in his neck was fallen in the pool of blood. The yowl of his true blood brother, Beom Hyeon was ringing in my eardrums. Those bloody eyes of Beom Seok were staring at me with vexation while resting his head on his brother's lap. The red patches were covering all of us. Through all he forced a smirk at me, his dreadful orbs gave me a Willie. I was frozen on my spot, not able to recover from the shock. It took me a few solid minutes to perceive what I did.

"You will pay your price Park Y/n,"

Those were his last words before his head lifelessly fell on Beom Hyeon's lap. The younger one was shocked by the sudden bombshell. His cheeks were wet with tears, it was the first time I saw him like this. The strongest rebel was crying in front of his twin brother's dead body. His tears stopped as he spotted me, glued to my place. That's when I came back to my senses.

I ran as fast as I could, I ran without looking back even I heard the terrifying cursing voices from behind. From that moment to this moment, I was running without a break. I barely had time to grab the emergency bag I prepared just in case.

My tears didn't stop, I couldn't hold them back any longer. What am I going to do? Is there any way I can make it back to my hometown? Will, they even accept me if they know what I have got myself into? Should I contact Jimin? But it was too dangerous, I'll be risking his life too.

I wiped my tears away from my shirt and stood on my feet. I swung my bag on my shoulders and continued jogging in the path ahead of me. There's only one way,

I have to run away so that no one can ever find me. I have to go somewhere where no one knows that Park Y/n exists. To a place, I can forget my past and start a new life. That would be the only chance of surviving this hectic chaos.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now