Chapter 40- Never let go

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The night was dark and cold, it was giving chills down my spine

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The night was dark and cold, it was giving chills down my spine. I felt like my wet clothes were cutting me as they were frozen to a stiff paper-like texture. It must have been like a negative centigrade in the environment.  The teeth-shattering cold wouldn't have been a bother if the people could stay in their comfortable cabins on the luxurious ship.

But with all that luxury, she was going down fast. The Titanic was spending her last hour, trying to keep her gigantic metal body on the surface. Nevertheless, the damage that occurred to her was too fatal.

Carrying around two thousand two hundred souls, she was foundering, bidding her last goodbye to the world. It was tragic that her life didn't exist for long. It was her first sail, it was set up with glory and pride.

And at that moment only half of the Titanic remained above water. Due to the weight load of water, the ship was pulled downwards, causing it to lean towards the front. It wasn't long until the walls would give up and tear apart because of the pressure.

The crowd was buzzing off, searching for a way to escape. It was a game of life and death for us. The ones who gave up became victims of the gushing water. The ones who kept up survived. There was no place for the weak ones in this competition.

As we kept running, practically squeezing ourselves through the crowd, I felt the cold water flooding underneath us. Our feet were covered with water, making people even more anxious. 

They were running like crazy, they didn't have a clue about what to do. The only chance of surviving was to run. There were passages everywhere and people were dwelling in which to take. Those who didn't know the ship well would get killed because of walking through the wrong passage.

"Come on, this way," Jungkook grabbed my hand and led me to an open passage on the right.

He was indeed the captain of the ship, no one knew the ship better than him. I was in no doubt that he took the safest way to escape.

The water level was rising second by second. So did my fear. Every minute reduced our chances of survival.

Walking through the passage made it harder because of the water. It wasn't like running in a normal wooden corridor, and it was ten times worse running in water-soaked clothes.

The creaking sound of the walls echoed. It terrified me. Because the ship was leaning to the front, the weight caused the structure to tear. She was holding up as much as she could but I doubted that even the Titanic,  the strongest and largest ship that was ever built would be able to handle the gigantic force that was mercilessly pushing her to the edge.

The moment she would give up, it would be the end of all.

The menacing ripping sound of death gave me shivers out of fear. The water clattering beneath us tried to wash us away to our doom. The passage that used to be lit up with bright bulbs was dimming because of the short circuit.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now