Chapter 26 - Quiet Before The Storm

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It was that day, the day that brought petrifying nightmares to over three thousand souls that were onboard the Titanic

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It was that day, the day that brought petrifying nightmares to over three thousand souls that were onboard the Titanic.

Everything about that day was carved into my memories. I will never forget their hollers for help when they were swimming to save their dear lives in the cold Atlantic.  The painful cries of the women and children because of the separation of their lovers and fathers, that painful wails will remain inside remembrances until the day of my last breath. 

14th April 1912, the Titanic, the Ship of Dreams, the so-called unsinkable queen tragically hit an iceberg, taking more than a thousand five hundred innocent souls' lives with her to the sea bed of the North Atlantic. 

But they didn't have a clue about it, it was such a beautiful day just like the past few days. Who would have guessed the horrifying fate they were about to meet?

Those people may not have had a clue about what was ahead of them. Nonetheless, if it wasn't for the overconfidence of the British White Star line, maybe the Titanic wouldn't have made history as one of the biggest catastrophes in the world.

If some people didn't think that more lifeboats on the ship would scatter the deck, more souls could have been saved that night.

For god damn sake, if those first-class imbeciles were more concerned about the risk they might have rather than how scattered the side view of the ship from their cabin window would look like, well perhaps then those people who didn't survive could have a chance to live.

Of course, they didn't care, they would get alive anyway,  they always get passed everything.

The conversation between the crew and the White Star line was getting steamy. The pressure on their faces made the air even more intense. 

"This is absurd, we certainly cannot slow down her knots, she's sailing just fine," the tall man said, not even budging to cooperate with the idea.

His snickering laugh of mockery caught the crew members off guard. This man, Bruce Ismay, had only one thing on his mind.

She should go ahead at full speed, she should break all the records, making history. 

"She's sailing just fine for now, but if she keeps up this speed it'll be impossible to stir her away from an iceberg even if we spot them sooner" Captain Smith tried to keep his voice as calm as possible. In the last part of the sentence, his voice became intense and firm.  His jaw was clenching because of the withholding anger boiling inside him.

I held Jungkook's hand which was curved into a tight fist. His irritation was painted all over his face.

"She was built to withstand this Edward, you know that as much as I do, please be careful when you raise your voice against me."  he arrogantly ignored the captain's words of warning.

His limitations of patience crossed the red line at that point.  With a loud slam, his fist hit the wooden table, gaining the attention of everyone towards him.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now