Chapter 09 - Sweet Corn Soup

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I winced and squinted my eyes because of the bright light beaming down from the wooden roof

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I winced and squinted my eyes because of the bright light beaming down from the wooden roof. For good two minutes, I remained in the same position I was, my body was comfortably laying down between soft mattresses and warm blankets. I was positive that it wasn't my cabin. I palmed my pounding head and sat down, leaning on my other hand as a support. A sudden pain in my left palm made me hiss.

Then I noticed the white bandage that was neatly wrapping my left hand.

Not only that my wound was carefully dressed, but I also espied the heater placed in the luxurious cabin. Having no exact idea of where I was, I merely kept seated, trying to recollect memories of yesterday night.

That girl I was trying to save, this happened when I tried to save her...

I supinated my wounded hand remembering the dangerous situation I got myself yesterday. It was like a magnet attracting metal when it comes to me and danger. Where the danger lurked, I was always there. It has only been a few hours and I almost had to dive in the cold sea, maybe worse, I would have turned to a frozen corpus.

The last thing I remember before the complete blackout is that I was between a pair of warm arms.

Who was he? I never caught his name, I never was able to present him with at least a simple thank you for saving my life yesterday.

I couldn't think more of it as my head started throbbing again. Letting out a painful groan, I kept a pillow behind my head so I can rest it there. My stomach was growling in hunger, I guess I must've spent more than twenty-four hours without a proper meal. I felt the acidic juice trying to digest my foodless sack with hunger. It was making me feel nauseous.

My eyes darted towards the door as it crack open, revealing two figures.

One of the men wore a neat suit that wasn't much fancy yet it was decent enough. A  stethoscope was hanging around, obviously, he was a doctor. I peeked over his shoulder to take a glimpse at the other man, which I was secretly hoping was the guy who saved me yesterday. But to my slight disappointment, it wasn't him, it was a man around his late forties, wearing a neat captain uniform and a golden badge which I read as "Edward Smith"

He curved his lips to a hearty smile and stepped near me with his fellow.

"How are you feeling love?" the kind man interrogated me with concern in a foreign British accent. I tried to remove the sheets and get on my feet to greet them but it was impossible due to my weak body.

"Oh no, you don't have to stand up, you should rest," he promptly stepped towards me and supported me to sit on the soft bed.

"Where am I? My head feels like it would blast any moment now," I let out a weary sigh and swept off the tickles of sweat on my forehead.

"Don't worry, you are safe now, You are in the ship's bay" the captain assured my safety and distanced a little from me, letting the doctor approach me. He kept the thermometer under my tongue and took the readings of my temperature. I waited for him to talk.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now