Chapter 08 - Serendipity

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This is so bad

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This is so bad.

My fists grabbed the bunches of my hair with frustration. I couldn't possibly leave this kid to be like this. Maybe I should call someone for help. The poor kid whimpered again, making my eyes lay on her again.

"Please, I'm so scared, please help me," her fainted words echoed in the air. Beneath her was the cold and deep Atlantic. I fiddled my fingers with nervousness, biting and pulling my lower lip inside,

"Can you hold down for a minute? I'll call someone," I stuttered out, not sure if she could hold any longer.

"My arms are so cold, I can't feel them," she cried from below.

I had to do something immediately.

I had to save this child.

Then I did the riskiest thing I have ever done in my life.

I shoved my bag away, making it fall on the wooden deck with a thump. The cold atmosphere gave rise to goosebumps on my skin, letting my hair leave salutes. My heart thumped with jitter and anxiety.

You have to calm down Y/n...

I took a deep breath and gripped tightly into the cold metallic bar. Slowly I placed one foot on the other side of the fence, carefully, not getting too insecure.

You are doing well Y/n

I managed to get to the other side of the edge. Tightly holding into the bars with shaky hands, I looked down to the deep blue ocean. I gulped as the sound of water clattering rang in my ears.

She was only three bars below me. First I had to get near the girl and then pull her up. Reluctantly I started taking slow steps towards her with the help of the fence. One-step by one step, cautiously my body glided towards the target. The very next moment I gasped as I heard her squeal, slipping her hands from the metal. For a second I thought that she didn't make it.

But boy, she was one lucky young lady, God still had mercy on her.

Even she slipped, her tiny fists were able to snatch the edge of the deck. Her muffled cries made me anxious.

"Hold on, I'm almost there, you can do it" I wasn't sure if I was trying to console her or myself at that time.

" I- I can't do it," I could see her face white as a paper filled with horror. Her palms were getting bluish from lack of blood flow.

She can't hold any longer.

"What do you think you are doing!?" A keen voice of a male struck me.

I didn't have time to answer him or explain to him what was going on. I quickly chucked myself down and grabbed the collar of the girl, when I did that, unfortunately my legs tripped and left me hanging in the mid air. Her tired body gave up, completely leaving me to bare her weight. One of my hands was occupied by her while the other held on tightly for our dear lives.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now