Chapter 15- Bonding

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I gasped and woke up

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I gasped and woke up. My brain took its time to make me realize that I was laying on my bed. My eyes squinted with the sunlight falling through the cabin windows. To my surprise, I was wearing the same dress | wore to yesterday's dinner.

I don't remember coming to my room. How did I get here? In my room? How?

My body was warmly wrapped with a blanket, preventing catching a cold in any possible way. In a corner I espied the pair of blue heels I wore the previous day. They were neatly placed near my bags.

I brought my knees together and embraced myself with the bedsheet because of the chill. No matter how hard I tried to memorize, I couldn't remember anything at all. The last thing remember was watching the stars with Jungkook.

Where is Jungkook?

He probably was on duty by that time. I had no idea. I felt disgusted like a rotten tomato because of sleeping in the same sweaty dress from last night. My feet were aching a little. As massaged them, a smile crept into my lips reminiscing last night.

How I danced with him.

How I laughed and joked with him like nothing was standing between us.

It was truly the most amazing night spent.

After I got out of the shower, I saw a written note sticking to a water bottle. I wiped the remaining droplets of water from my body and dried my hair while walking towards it. I snatched the paper and read it.

Eat something and take these pills, you will feel better.                              

So it was him, it was him who took me to my room and put me to bed. I must've passed out there because of the strong alcohol. I couldn't help but smile when I took the pills that were safely kept near the water bottle. It was done by Jungkook. They were hung out on pills.

I ordered food to my cabin because I was feeling worn out. When my palm brushed my neck, my eyebrows knitted when my fingertips traced the chain in my neck. I caressed the pendant and held it.

I should return this to Jungkook, it was something precious to him.

I stood up in front of the mirror and looked myself in it. The swan-shaped beautiful pendant reflected its radiance when the sunlight fell on it. It was stunning, the small detailed diamond was alluring. It was the black swan.

He told me when we were watching the stars that it was gifted to his mother by his great-grandfather who worked as a captain. Maybe it was from him that Jungkook naturally loved the ocean. My memory hit with a flashback from the previous day when we were both outside, talking while watching the night sky.

"The ocean is like a part of my life, since I was small it's what I saw, it's what I loved " he said gazing at me. I smiled.

"I love the ocean too...It's so deep and quiet"

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now