Chapter 13 - Cold War

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The hall was buzzing with highly ranked men and women

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The hall was buzzing with highly ranked men and women. Not only their dresses, their walk, their talk... everything just screamed out one thing.

First-class royalty.

As I held hands with Jungkook and walked down the stairs I watched the women who intertwined their fingers with their partners. They neither bothered nor cared to spare a glance at us. Luxurious fur coats and leather purses the women wore, simply showed how rich they were while men proudly stood there lavishly. The golden pocket watches popped out of their pockets as they avidly scrutinized the time for their prearranged meetups.

Walking passing them through the foyer made me feel intimidated. Many judgemental glances pierce the thin air like bullets as they were digging through my soul.

Uh, I feel like I got stripped in front of thousands.

Reluctantly my hand gripped Jungkook's tightly. I could feel my heart stomping with jitter. The raven-haired man lowered his head and whispered to me.

"Not very welcoming is it?" I slowly nodded, looking carefully at everyone who was passing us. All the affluence of the people surrounding me made me feel so small.

Did I make the right decision by coming here? Am I to be judged lowly?

But I must admit, I was happy that I had Jungkook walking next to me. He walked so closely that I could feel his perfume, which made me feel at the edge. My cold hand was wrapped around his. Jungkook looked rather confident unlike me who was jittering with nervousness.

"There they are" he pointed to the circle of people near a big table as we entered a ballroom-like hall where it was filled with tables and chairs for guests. In the middle, there was a little elevated space where people danced to slow music played in the background.

The Harpers were sitting at one table, acquainted with some strangers that I haven't seen before. The little girl Lilian waved at me as soon as she saw me. I couldn't help but wave back at her. As we walked towards the table, Jungkook greeted the guests. My brain signalled me to promptly copy his action and bow slightly to the people we met.

Anderson Harper took a good look at Jungkook head to toe before stating "Looks like Edward is too busy to join us?" He arched an eyebrow at Jungkook with a question on his face written "What are you doing here instead of him?"

Jungkook didn't panic, he talked smoothly and calmly.

"He had to stay back and operate the ship sir, we are charging her at her full speed. By tomorrow we will arrive at our first destination, just like you discussed with him"

The man looked defeated by his words. He didn't dare to talk again, his lips tighten to a smile "Let's have a seat shall we?"

With his gesture, both I and Jungkook took our seats next to each other. Juliet Harper gave me a sincere smile and slid her hand around her daughter's waist.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now