Chapter 32- A Night To Remember ||

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My heart struck as the loud bang echoed in the room

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My heart struck as the loud bang echoed in the room. I stopped breathing for a moment tightly closing my eyes. I couldn't feel any sensation except the throbbing heart and the vibration of my eardrums that made me shudder.

A warm tear rolled down my cold pale cheek.

I was dead, I was surely dead...

But the rumbling noises in the room made me think otherwise. I could feel my heartbeat could feel my chest going up and down. In the background, I could hear a rasping voice cussing loudly.

Wait, so I was alive?

I instantly opened my eyes.

My eyes widened with shock and disbelief.  I wasn't dead. I was alive, not even a single scratch on my body. It was because someone had changed the path of the merciless bullet that was going to hit me. Instead of my head, it has pierced the wall behind me. The hole that was burnt by the bullet was smoking, showing how ruthlessly it penetrated the surface.

I gasped as I witnessed the two men who were fighting in front of me.

"Jungkook..." My parched lips weren't able to produce the voice I wanted. My throat was dry. Almost let my vocals out as a croak.

Jungkook was behind him, grasping the man by his hand which held the gun. His impact must have caused Hyeon to miss his target. Jungkook's arm was around Beom Hyeon, choking his neck while the other one was gripping the hand that handled the pistol.

"What the fuck!" Beom Hyeon struggled to loosen the grip Jungkook had on him.

My heart was pounding loudly, my body was leaning against the wall, without being able to budge my tensed body.

"Y/n, get out of here!" doe eyes him gaze at me, trying his best to hold the other man still.

But Hyeon was a muscle pack, he was violently swinging his arms to reach Jungkook's neck.  It was a war between the two men. Jungkook's lower lips were stained in a red patch. His dark hair was messy and sticking to his forehead because of the sweat.

He was doing his best to save me.

I couldn't leave him there, not like that, not with the vicious man who was like a wild beast that had gone mad. My legs were glued to where I was standing, not being able to follow what Jungkook said.

Suddenly a harsh punch by Beom Hyeon whacked his jaw. His fist flattened Jungkook's face, making him lose his balance and lose grip on Hyeon. Jungkook was thrown a few steps back. He painfully groaned and rubbed his jaw. Taking his chance,  Hyeon charged at Jungkook, rumbling with him to the ground.

His whirling savagery didn't allow his heart to show any mercy to the other man who barely had time to recover from the previous puncture. Beom Hyeon took over and tripped Jungkook to the ground. His fists curved into a ball to flatten his face. The merciless beast threw his fists at Jungkook, who was struggling to avoid his punches.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now