Chapter 14- Folk Party

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"Mr and Mrs Harper, I think it's time that I should take my leave

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"Mr and Mrs Harper, I think it's time that I should take my leave. It was my pleasure spending this wonderful evening with you fine people" Jungkook stood up from where he was seated and brushed his stiffened tuxedo. He gave me a quick gesture with his eyes.

Taking his hint, I also stood up to bid farewell.

Juliet Harper arched an eyebrow at me. " Are you going to leave as well, Miss Park?" She questioned me. With a slight nod, I greeted her.

"It's getting late Mrs Harper, and I'm so grateful that you invited me here tonight. It was truly a great supper" Mrs Brown gave me a reassuring smile saying, "Oh darling, it was wonderful knowing you too isn't it Juliet?"

"Indeed," Juliet gazed at me with a curving smile in the corner of her rosy lips. "And if you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to come near me Y/n" She placed a hand on my shoulder and gave a light squeeze.

We both made our way out from all the luxury and silk-stoking residences and welcomed the breeze that wrapped us.

The environment was so cold that I puffed some air and rubbed my hands together to keep me warm. The coldness meant that we are far away from land, middle of the Atlantic. Jungkook blew a cloud of cold air into the atmosphere and wrapped his hands around his body.

"It's freezing here, come on let's go" his cold hand gripped mine before tugging me towards a passage. I was dragged along with him.

"Jungkook! Where are we going"

"I promise, you'll love it" As I felt his touch my heart fluttered with the weird sensation. We stopped near a door that opened to a staircase which led us downwards. My mind was running wild with thoughts.

What is that he's going to show me?

Jungkook only mischievously grinned at my questions, keeping it a top secret. He was like a small kid who was excited to show a huge sandcastle he built. As we took our steps down I heard loud laughter and cheers that scattered the air along with funky music, unlike the slow music that played in the ballroom, it gave an energetic vibe.

"Come on" Jungkook practically jumped the two last stairs and quickly grabbed my waist with both his hands to pull me down. I screeched with his sudden action but he carefully kept me down, giggling childishly. I couldn't help but find that adorable.

I almost squished his cheeks but thankfully my brain was conscious enough not to act as a dumbass.

Jungkook's actions were quicker than a blink of an eye, before even my brain could function he pushed me through the crowd to the middle.

The people who attended there were different. Previously I got a chance to see what it was like to be a ranked person, I got a glimpse of the deluxe they lived every day.

But now

It was a hall filled with locals. They were the party that was known as the third class, aka the ones who didn't own that much wealth and all but they had one thing that was missing in those I met before.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now