Chapter 21- Romance

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🔞 Mature warning, smut ahead. If you are uncomfortable please don't read this part. You are free to skip it. Readers are at their own risks.

Some would call it lust, some would call it romance

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Some would call it lust, some would call it romance. But I would say, erotica can be a mixture of both lust and amour. There should be a bit of romance, a cup of eroticism, and sprinkles of fantasy and enticement should be added to it.

I was watching the night stars through the window of the cabin when Jungkook entered the cabin, presenting me with a wide smile yet I could see the exhaustion under the smile. Even if it was evening some stars were starting to show up in the sky.Most of the time I was tagging along with Jungkook and by that time he had even let me spend my time in his cabin. It was quite good to have someone to keep me company all the time. In times when he was occupied by work I sat in the common room and flipped through pages of a novel I got my hands on.

I wasn't a big reader, my chaotic life never gave me a break to do that. But this life was all I was imploring for. I felt like a VIP person. But what I loved the most was spending time with the purest soul I've ever encountered in my life. Even in small shifts, I felt like he was away from me for days. I knew I was falling deeper and deeper for him.

That fact also scared me sometimes.

What if I lose him? Will I ever be able to recover?

That was a question I never intended to be answered.

As the sky and ocean merged at the end of the ocean it reminded me of the day he confessed to me. He was my ocean and I was his sky. That was how he defined us.

That evening was the first sensual moment I had in my life.

Jungkook was back from his shift. I was enthusiastic to spend time with him. Until he was taking a shower I made sure to order his favourite, lemon-flavoured tea and his favourite snacks. It made me sad how he was working hard and still finding time to stay with me. I felt emotional thinking about it.

It was not like lots of people in my life sacrificed their time for me. Jimin was an exception of course. But other than my older brother, it was only Jungkook who did so many things for me. The least I could do is to be concerned about his well-being and comfort.

As he got out of the shower, he changed into a white shirt and a pair of pants before coming to the little"Tea party " I arranged just for both of us.

He grinned widely seeing the small coffee table.

"You have done an excellent job miss " he smacked and took a seat on the comfortable sofa near the fireplace.

"Thank you, kind sir!" I looked at him with a proud face before we both started laughing.

"You should have some" he slid the plate of cookies towards me as he was also helping himself with some. I shook my head.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now