Chapter 48- Not A Dream

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The ship blew her whistle, announcing her departure

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The ship blew her whistle, announcing her departure. But the man who was supposed to sail in her didn't seem to hear it. He was standing in front of me, flabbergasted.

I stood speechless, staring at his deep doe orbs. My heart fluttered just like the first time we kissed. Tears of happiness were patching my cheeks as they rolled down.

I wanted to run towards him, I wanted to shout out loud to the world his name. But my legs didn't allow me to. They intended to stay glued to their place.

After three years, there he was, standing right in front of me. He wore a long thick brown coat on his attire. From one hand he was gripping the suitcase that he had prepared for the journey. Jungkook definitely had lost some weight. But that didn't wash away his alluring beauty.

He was just like I saw him first three years ago. The same gaze, the same innocent eyes...Oh Jungkook, how much I've missed you...

As he saw my figure, the grip on his bag loosened, making it thump on the wooden floor. His chest went up and down fast as he heavily breathed. He was as shocked as me. Jungkook's beautiful eyes glistened with tears. His lips parted, curving into a smile yet he was still in doubt that it was real.

I'm not dreaming anymore, am I? He's real...he was there alive, standing next to me.

Jungkook took a step closer.

"Y/n, love, is that really you?" I've missed him calling me love so damn much, I've missed his voice like crazy.

He looked emotional. I wanted to talk, but something kept my tongue stuck. I kept staring at him, wanting to make sure that it wasn't another dream that never came true.

I felt a cold drop of water on my cheek. Then another drop and another drop. It started raining. The gloomy clouds were giving up their weight, releasing their droplets. The raindrops landed on us, making us both shower from the rain of happiness.

"Y/n, I've missed you so much " his lips moved as he talked. He breathed fast, his eyes welled with tears. It was so realistic. It couldn't be a dream.

He survived...Jungkook survived...

"Jungkook" I managed to stutter out in a quiet voice. It barely came out but I managed to speak. I couldn't control my tears, I didn't want to.

They were happy happy tears after all.

In the blink of an eye, he paced towards me, hugging me tightly. Jungkook took me to his embrace, pressing his warm cheek against mine. I felt his warmth, I felt the tickle as his silky hair bangs brushed against my face. He felt so alive.

His lips intensely kissed both my cheeks. Stroking my hair bangs away from my face, his palms cup my face, pressing his lips against my forehead, letting me feel the warmth of him.

"You are alive, Jungkook, you are here..." My hand reached to touch his face, wanting to confirm whether it was true. His hair was starting to soak from water, water droplets were dripping down his face.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now