Chapter 06 - The Maiden Voyage

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The salty breeze embraced me while the shades of the dawn mooched my skin, giving rise to goosebumps on my pale skin because of the chill

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The salty breeze embraced me while the shades of the dawn mooched my skin, giving rise to goosebumps on my pale skin because of the chill. My head weighed more than my bag pack. I felt like my head would blast at any moment. My eyes scrutinized the queue of people behind me.

They look so happy,

I stuck my orbs to the dark shallow, staring at the small waves that were fighting against each other.

Why does God hate me so much? Don't I deserve to be happy like them?

While everyone else walked past me, I stood there in the hall filled with people, all alone, not knowing what to do next. My life was at stake, fallen into a horrible pit that I can't seem to find a way out of. While I was dumbfounded and scared about the unseen future, I remembered something,

"Hide there until she starts sailing,"

That's what Yeonjun told me before I farewelled him. That was our last farewell, from that day until today, I never met him again. I didn't know whether he was alive or not anymore. As for that moment, the only thing I cared was about being alive, being able to breathe.

I found myself walking through the passage which had cabins on both sides. The golden number plates shined like they warmly welcomed the guest to their new rooms.

First-class cabins demonstrated the wealth and power of the upper class who utterly stood up against the rest of the society. Those people were rich and powerful enough to allocate themselves to the sweet taste of the deluxe and get the best of the best as they pleased.

The third class is not much to say. With only a little space given, they have to be satisfied with the facilities they are being provided. But since this beauty has just come out to play a role, she got shiny metal doors that even the third class would look pretty fancy.

Second class, most of the people belonged to this group. They were between rich and poor, they had to collide with both sides. What I think is that the middle classes suffer more than both other classes. The reason I think that is, poor people don't have much hope, they don't ask for too much. As for the rich individuals, they have everything they want. But the bourgeoisie, the working class have far more hopes, and too many needs compared to the others. So they suffer, but surprisingly being able to twist a smile on their lips. I know, I am not talking about the cabins that are given but about the crowd of people who represents the majority of this society. Somehow I felt like saying this.

Consuming the fresh smell of the newly painted walls of the ship, I peeked inside cabin number G-60 which was the number written on my key. A room for an individual, not much but more than enough.

After I made sure my door was locked, I plopped down on the lower bed and tossed my bags aside. I merged into deep thoughts.

Will I be safe here?

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now