Chapter 29- Double Trouble

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I must've been there for seconds, maybe minutes, maybe hours

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I must've been there for seconds, maybe minutes, maybe hours... without him I felt like my whole world was sinking in the dark. The clock's hands were stuck in one place,  displaying a sharp two in the

afternoon while I was jittering with anxiety.

It had only been an hour without Jungkook but I felt like ages.

Where are you? I'm scared...

I continually kept praying that this might be only another nightmare, just a bad dream I had. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't want to live in the reality of that moment cause reality appeared as a misery to me.

How did Beom Heyon get here? Has he been here since the beginning?

But probably I couldn't have survived that long without confronting him if he had been onboard since the beginning of the sailing, could I?

The only theory I had in my mind was that he got into the Titanic when she was anchored during the stop in Canary Island.

I was sitting on a cosy sofa in Madam Collete's room as she urged me to make myself home there. I was very comfortable and felt very welcomed because of the hospitality of the kind woman. She was trying her best to make me feel better and stable. I was genuinely relieved by her efforts of concern but the agony that was engaging me overlooking that.

My dwelling thoughts dispersed as a soft hand rested on my shoulder.

I turned my head towards the figure behind me with a small smile that depicted the discomfort my mind was going through.  My body was curled, and my head was resting on the knees that were pulled towards my body.

"Y/n dear, Oh god, look at you poor thing, you are trembling!" she immediately wrapped a thick coat around me to make me warm.

I was indeed shuddering.

My whole body was trembling like a fever patient with chills. At that point, I couldn't presume whether I was shivering because of the cold or the shock I had.

"Here, have this, you will feel better" Madam Collete gently held my hand and gave me a warm cup of melted chocolate milk. My cold hands managed to take a grip on it without spilling the thing all over the couch.

She left me alone with that, leaving me with my thoughts only. She was a wise person. Her mature measures made me more relieved of apprehension than I was.

Just when I thought I was going to start a new beginning, this mountain of misery and thrones of the past had to tear me down without any mercy.  I was no longer safe on this ship. My assassin had already tracked me down.

This first time I may have gotten lucky, but Luck won't be stuck with me for long. Long before, I would get caught in Beom Hyeon's merciless arms and my life would get cut short.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now