Chapter 36- Dead Humanity

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"Jungkook,"  I tried to snap him out of his daze

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"Jungkook,"  I tried to snap him out of his daze.

The confusion, the conflict between his heart and mind was making him fragile. He knew he had to leave but deep inside he couldn't flee. He felt he was responsible for carrying the burden the same as Captain Smith did.

Jungkook after all is one of the Captains who sailed in the Titanic.


He was one of the captains. On 14th April 1912, there existed only one captain in what they called, the ship of dreams, the unsinkable queen who was at that moment going down fast because of the scrap caused by the collision. Captain Edwards John Smith was the only one who was in charge at that moment of tragedy.

Something that most of them didn't comprehend was the fact Jeon Jungkook was cut free from all the duties of the ship just a while before the collision happened because some of the British White Star Line members felt threatened by his actions. Because their pride was spoiled by his wise words. 

That argument for withholding Captain Jeon Jungkook's duty was seconded by Edwards Smith because he didn't want Jungkook to carry the burden. Because the only thing Jungkook did was try to warn them about the danger ahead and the risk we were in.

Of course, the arbitrary decision of some people didn't allow him to take a further step to prevent it. And when they knew it, it was too late.

The Titanic was going down fast.

Minute by minute she was flooded with the cold freezing salt water. The huge vessel was hopelessly trying her best to keep up without being drowned. She was doing her best to keep her head up on the water.

But the prevalent strength of the ocean was looming over her power. 

The anterior side of the ship was sagging towards the front. I could feel the weight of the water's mass trying to pull the ironic vessel underwater, attempting to swallow her.

The words of Titanic hit the iceberg had spread like wildfire. Tragic news had been broken down to the passengers. The stewards were doing their best to keep the people as calm as possible. Something that not everyone knew was the fact of the lack of lifeboats on the ship. Most of the crowd were not yet aware of the seriousness of the catastrophe that occurred. 

The first lifeboat was ready to launch.

"Hold the lifeboat!" the loud voice of the first officer Murdoch echoed on the deck.

The crew was busy making everyone wear life protection suits and advising them to wear warm clothes. A buzz of suspense swept the corridors as people came out wearing their white life jackets, baffled by what the heck was happening.

I saw how their gleeful faces were tailed with anticipation and obnoxious thoughts. I saw how their lives flashed before their eyes when it happened. 

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