Chapter 05 - Changes on Plans

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I couldn't hide for long, I had to get out of Yeonjun's place as fast as possible

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I couldn't hide for long, I had to get out of Yeonjun's place as fast as possible. Every second that ticks, my heartbeat rises with trepidation. I felt like there was always someone behind me with a knife in his hand.

Get a grip of yourself Y/n, don't lose your sense.

Yeonjun's house was nearby the bar. It was close to two in the morning. It was despairing, I couldn't sleep. My attempts at a small nap were a waste. I stepped outside and walked towards the backdoor of the bar. I wanted something strong to distract my mind. Nothing better than a good glass of whiskey or maybe if I'm lucky I can get something even better.

But luck was something far away from me...

I was so submerged in my thoughts, I accidentally collided with someone passing by. I lose my balance but thanks to that guy I didn't fall. He was quick enough to grab me from my shirt. The darkness around us didn't allow me to get a clear vision of him.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry about that," his tone was gentle. Even though I was not in my right mind, I was conscious enough to reply to him thankfully.

"It's alright, it's my fault. I was thinking about something. Thanks for not letting me fall," I could feel his hand on me even though I was able to stand on my own. I gazed at him but the only thing I could notice was those big round black eyes.

"I'll be going then. Are you sure that you are ok? It's not an approvable place for a young lady at this time of the day." He scanned my figure with his doe eyes. I shook my head and rubbed my temple. After inhaling a deep breath I glanced at him,

"Don't worry about me, I'll be alright. I'm just heading for a drink. Thank you for your concern," I bowed at him. I could feel the grip was loosening. Before he could say anything else, I walked away from him, from everyone else. I wanted to be alone.

Yeonjun planned to send me to China, and after a year or two, I could move to either England or Australia. The flight was scheduled for ten in the morning. I had plenty of time to rest. But my mind was the opposite, it was restless. I was wrecked by various thoughts.

I dead stopped when I heard a familiar yet unpleasant voice from the back of the building. I was just about to enter but before that, I heard the discourteous talking of a person that made me freeze on my spot. I peeked through the dusty glass of the window. The night mist and the dust almost made me hard to stare through the transparent glass.

Two men were standing face to face with each other. One was Yeonjun without a doubt. I closed my mouth from both my hands with shock, letting my scream form into a muffle. It was him, it was the person who was haunting me down,

How did he even find this place? How did he know that Yeonjun was my friend? Looks like they kept an eye on my every action. I felt disgusted and horrified as some tiny bugs were creeping all over my body.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now