Chapter 34- She Will Founder

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The deadly silence inside the room was tensing

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The deadly silence inside the room was tensing. It took a moment for everyone to come back to their senses and start discussing the matter. There was a long hush between the four men before Captain Smith started conversing again, trying to get a grip on the situation. 

"She seems like she has been scrapped on her starboard and the right side. Can't see her from the deck, I assume that it's underwater..." he said with a quiet voice. His voice was quiet yet it echoed in the room that was filled with jitter.

Jungkook breathed fast, running his fingers through his smooth Ebony bangs nervously.

He warned them, he tried to stop them, Jungkook presumed that this might happen if we weren't alert enough.

But he didn't utter a word out of his pride, trying to brag about his accuracy.  Rather than that, he was just as agitated as the rest of the crew and acted like he was still part of it. His devotion toward his crew and the ship was so strong that he didn't back off even after they conflicted with him. 

"Mr. Andrews,"  Jungkook talked to the disturbed male whose face was clouding with gloominess and apprehension. He didn't seem like he was in the right mindset.

However,  Andrews was stable enough to respond. He slightly turned his head towards us, acquiescing to Jungkook.

"Will she be able to handle it?" Jungkook queried with a doubt. But Andrews stood as he was still stunned by the bombshell he had a while ago.

Jungkook paced towards him, gripping both his shoulders and shooting a sharp gaze at him. Andrews who was half-zoned out, looked at him with the same agitated face.

"Mr.  Andrews! Please I need you to be strong! We need your help right now more than any time..." The younger male tried to bring the man back to his proper mindset which seemed like a bit of a challenge at that moment. 

All through this, I worriedly stood without talking, submerged in various dark thoughts that my mind couldn't handle.

"Mr. Andrews! Please come back to your senses, we need you!" Jungkook's desperate voice snapped the man. He looked at Jungkook and then switched his glance to us.

"Right," Andrews rushed towards the racks full of scrolls and maps. He quickly grabbed a few blueprints and scattered them on the table.

It was the original design of the Titanic.

We all gathered around him. I stood behind Jungkook and traced my eyes along the drawn plan with the white ink in the blueprint.

"Did you shut the watertight doors?" he shot his question at Edwards Smith who was diving into deep thoughts. He promptly nodded, answering his question.

Andrews rolled the map and traced his index finger along the drawn sketches of the compartments.

"The Titanic will stay on the surface if the vessel is filled with four compartments. That's the maximum. What's her status so far?"

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now