Chapter 42- Final Resting Place

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With the loud bombastic sound, the Queen Titanic, the ship of dreams, the so-called unsinkable ship ripped into two pieces. She couldn't hold the weight of her own. Exceeding almost twenty-five thousand tons, her rare end was high up in the sky while her nose end was sunken underwater.

The moment that weight suppressed her limit, she cracked apart.

The broken part of the ship started jerking back down again. The people on board started yelping, screeching at the top of their lungs as the part we were in cut through the wind and landed on the ocean surface once again. It was like a horrifying Ferris wheel ride.

I held tightly onto Jungkook's torso. His strong manly arms were wrapped around me, not letting me slide away from his embrace. With a hefty bounce, we landed on the floor. The ship was horizontal again but it was only a matter of time until this half of the ship was going to perish.

"Hurry the fuck up! lower the boats!" A man rasped out panicked by the fact that we didn't have much time left in our hands.

"Ladies, to the boats!" Men hurriedly started helping the women get into the boat we were supposed to get in.

Taehyung and Jungkook stood by the ropes as other men helped each other get in. They were almost done, the only remaining females were me and Madam Colette. Madam Colette took one last glance at the broken ship.

"Farewell," Taehyung held her hand and carefully led her to the boat. Even if it was dark, I was able to see the agony that was twitching her face.

"Taehyung?" she called his name. The young masculine gazed at her, giving her a reassuring smile of promise.

"I'll be right behind you, I need to cut these ropes," she nodded as he said.

Finally,  it was my time to step in.

I heaved a heavy sigh and turned to Jungkook who was lending his hand at me. I took his hand with a throbbing heart. My heart clenched with apprehension.  My eyes gazed at him as my heart pounded fast.

"Don't worry love, you'll be alright"  His words wrecked my heart. I wasn't ready to let go of him even for a minute.

"Jungkook, you'll be right next to me right?"  he nodded with a smile.

"I promise"

I pulled him into a kiss before letting his hand go, climbing myself into the boat as Jungkook stood near it till others got in. His eyes closed, and his face was looking emotional as he kissed me. I didn't want to let him go.

I had to. For this one moment. 

But I never dreamt that it would be our last goodbye.

Men jumped onto the boat and everyone was in a haste to get away. The remaining part of the ship was starting to tilt again. It was going to get sucked into the deep ocean.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now