Chapter 25- Not in another Life

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My unholy children this is only for mature audiences so if you are under age please don't read. Heavy smut warning. 🔞

I huffed a cold puff of air

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I huffed a cold puff of air.

The frostiness didn't bother me, the flares burning inside me were way more intense than the chill that made us shudder. The lights were off, and the only source of glimmer was the moonlight surging through the separated curtains of the cabin window.

I breathed in fast, trying to keep up the pace. My back was colliding with the strong wooden wall behind me. My body was between that wall and his muscular body. The warmth of his unclothed chest was making me drift my temptation every second that passed. 

My slim arms were resting on his, palms were reaching his handsome face to caress them. His body was warm. His hand was gently gripping my neck, carefully like he was holding a toddler.  His broad shoulders were shading me like a giant hawk.

I had nothing to protect me from the chill. I simply wore nothing, my body was dominated by him. My clothes were stripped, and they were stubbornly lying down on the floor as they were neglected, wanting to keep the distance from the wild party.

Jungkook was heaving short breaths to keep his body warm. One of his hands was on my hip, tightly grasping my thigh, pulling me closer to him. His rosy lips were parted as a seductive smile crept to his face.

"You are cold," he said touching my face. I held his hand and kissed his long fingers, one by one. I can feel my knees shattering from the cold but less that I care about that.

I needed him to touch me.

I was on the edge.

"You are warm," I hugged his abs, looking up at him. My arms were locked between his chest and the wall. He tilted his head down towards me, pressing his lips against my cold forehead.  Clouds of air released into the aura as we respire.

I felt my heart thumping loudly when my skin was intact with his glimmering milky skin. The veins of his arms were superficial more than any day as blood was streaming up fast as he inhaled. 

His lips touched my neck with wet smooched kisses. They went up along my jawline, sucking in as I was his sweet candy bar. My nails dug into his skin as Jungkook's fingers wrapped around my hair and pulled them aside. I could feel butterflies doing summersaults inside my stomach as my body ejected with wanting to get more of the bliss. I felt the steam in the below area of my body because of the excitement. 

Jungkook's hands locked me between them, pushing me towards the cold material behind me. His eyes talked even his lips didn't. I got a glimpse of the desire inside them.

Desire to be mine...

The eros inside them was crystal clear to me. It didn't strike me for a minute to understand his body language.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now