Chapter 17- Take me to the sky

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It was the festival month of the Canary Islands

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It was the festival month of the Canary Islands. All the streets were decorated with colourful flags and the crowd were dressed in their unique traditional dress that they prepared especially for the event. The whole town was gleaming with the jingles of merry. It was a very new experience for most of the passengers of the Titanic. Gladly, the hospitality of the locals was superb. They were so enthusiastic about the new ship anchored in their port.

Titanic was already making history. It's amusing how I ended up being a part of a big project of the world's most famous shipbuilders, the British Star Line. It was what everyone talked about, how she was successful in completing her first secret mission. And I, who was a runaway rebel member of the Gambino made to the list of honourable mentions of travellers.

A big broadcasting event was held near the ship. Temporary tents were built to serve the news reporters and media that were overflowing the place. And get this, all of them were sponsored by the same investors that are part of the white star line company. It was all part of the big plan.

For the passengers, it's just a ride, but what they didn't know was the things going under their noses. To be honest, I wouldn't have known this much information unless I had some acquaintance with Jungkook who was one of the two captains of the Titanic. There was so much more than steering her to the destination, he also had to fight a political battle. 

Jungkook was bothered by something, he needed some carefree time to forget all his responsibilities for once.

And that's how we ended up walking to the main item that was prepared today. The Canary Road Festival. It was where people showed the world their culture and nationality. All the streets were filled with busy buzzing crowds who were preparing for the big event.

The streets were thronged by dancers who wore colourful clothes like a flock of birds. It reminded me of the maco birds I've seen on TV. Red, blue, name it. Everyone was wearing robes that highlighted their designs and customs. The thuds of the drum rolls echoed the area in a rhythm. All kinds of ages were there. Even toddlers were hanging to their mothers and cooing in awe, triumphed by the musical hymns in the surroundings. The older males were the ones who guided their youngsters, hence they were the centre of arranging their traditional dances.

We both walked along the street, enjoying the dances that decorated the roads. For a moment I saw how relaxed he was. He was smiling lightly as he forgot everything, his lips were curved to a beautiful smile, and his big doe eyes were wandering twinkling with happiness as we both freely laughed. Jungkook espied by gaze and offered me an eye smile. I sheepishly grinned and looked down as I realized that he caught my stare.

That one night has changed my path.

God led me to meet this beautiful person.

Maybe my life wasn't all about misery and suffering. Another feeling was overflowing others. A stronger and more emotional feeling that made me feel that I'm not alone anymore.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now