Chapter 31- A night to remember

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Jungkook kept banging on the door

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Jungkook kept banging on the door.

The metallic door produced a loud clunk noise but no one replied. The anxiety was taking over the young man. He feared that time was running and he had to reach Y/n before something could happen.

"That son of a bitch!" Jungkook cussed under his breath, once again slamming his fist against the door.

But it was no use. The ship was made by the iron hands of Irish workers. They were hard as a rock. No one could easily damage them.

He frustratingly leaned his back on the door, slowly sliding down to the ground.  His mind resided with various alarming thoughts.

What if she gets caught by  Beom Hyeon? What will happen to her? 

He winced his eyes, not wanting to think about what could happen next. Jungkook simply couldn't put up with the sentiment of Y/n meeting with any harm.

He won't be able to forgive himself if that happens.

Jungkook stood up from his position,  gathering courage with the intense urge to protect the love of his life. One more time he tried breaking the door to break free. The young man charged towards the door, colliding with the rigid surface with all the strength he had.

Unfortunately,  that power was only enough to make a dent in the metal door.

Jungkook hissed and rubbed his shoulder which gave him pain in the right arm. He didn't give up even though it seemed futile.

"Come on, there must be a way..." his eyes scanned around the room like a hawk to the spectator.

Suddenly his eyes caught a glimpse of the window of the cabin.

Four windows were facing directly at the front perspective of the ship. It gave the perfect view of the horizon that was merging the sky and the cold, dark ocean.  A thought came to his mind.  

They weren't very small, if he tried he could glide his body through one of the windows.

He immediately paced through the room to reach the other corner. Jungkook lifted the window glass with a bit of a struggle.  Making his efforts fruitful,  the window opened with a click sound. He peeked, bopping his head out.

The teeth-shattering coldness pierced through his skin. A gush of air hugged his body, making his skin raise goosebumps. 

"Holy shit, it's freaking cold!" he mumbled.

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