Chapter 37- Underwater

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"Run Y/n!"

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"Run Y/n!"

No one had to tell me twice to run from him. My legs acted quicker than my mind did.

Even though Beom Hyeon was injured, he managed to chase us, dragging his lagging limb with him. It was his leg that was impaired,  not his hands. Therefore he was still capable of shooting at us.

Not to mention that Beom Heyon once was a skillful assassin. I remembered how well he used to handle guns.

Jungkook dragged me to the crowd, where the man who was chasing us couldn't create a scene. I was clinging to Jungkook with a thumping heart. I was scared to even breathe loudly because of the feeling that Heyon would appear behind us and would kill us both.

He scanned around carefully and made me enter the passage for the first class. Since most of the crowd was busy getting into lifeboats, they did not pay much attention to us who were not part of their residents. We both stayed hidden in the shadow of the big passage. Jungkook tiptoed to check at the deck where Beom Hyeon was furiously gritting teeth and stomping towards the crowd to find us.

It won't be long before he catches the wind of us.

My trembling lips brushed against Jungkook's ears, talking in a tone filled with regret and agony.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry, I  really am..." My cold cheeks were wet from the fat tears that rolled down from my sockets.

Jungkook stopped scrutinizing the area and shifted his gaze to me with a deeply concerned look. I couldn't stop my tears from escaping. My tongue tasted the salty tears that traced along my pale skin. 


"Look what I have done, I put your life in danger.  Now that devil is after you as well, it's because of me..." my cracked voice faded as I spoke. I tighten my eyelids, shedding tears of guilt and anxiety. 

"Shsh, listen to me, love,"  he softly talked to me, placing his palm under my chin. I looked up at him with glistening tears.

It always gets me when he calls me love, it is sweeter and more flattering than any other word. It was warm, and I felt closer. I felt like I was his, I was his Y/n.

"It's never your fault, it never was and it'll never be your fault. Do you know the best thing that ever happened in my life?" he asked with a smile stretching his thin lips. I shook my head with a sulky expression drawn on my face.

"Being the captain of the Titanic, that's the best thing that ever happened to me." Jungkook's arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to his embrace. His big hand was stroking my head, pressing me against his body.

"That's because it led me to you Y/n, the only person  I can think about is you," his thumb swept away the rolling tear from my cheek. Jungkook's beautiful hearty smile didn't leave his lips as he talked.

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 - 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 🔞 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now