The Shogun's daughter Chap.1

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Once you turned seven years old, Raiden Ei began to train you, she taught you the basics at first as you'd be the daughter of a shogun, that meant you were a princess, she had you take lessons for a lady, you were taught by the best teacher in all of Inazuma, how to properly speak, dance, pour tea, walk, but most of all Raiden Ei began teaching you the way of the sword, having you In the courtyard learning for three hours at most, although It was difficult you endured, by the time you were eleven years old, you'd started to master the sword, Ei was very proud of you but she knew you'd need more years of experience, at thirteen after showing your strength, Raiden Ei granted you an Electro Vision, also telling that she was the Electro Archon Baal, shocked and amazed you were although not surprised given how powerful she was, Yae Miko often came by to visit and give you some Philosophical advices also helping you train, after that you continued to be diligent In training to become a skilled warrior but also to please your mother and Inazuma city, you were revered by the people greatly, although not born from Raiden Ei many said you resembled her, It meant you'd grown with the same beauty and grace, as time went on you'd mostly forgotten your parents but few old memories remained, you kept some to heart but ever since that one night you'd only known Raiden Ei to be your mother, although not by blood, but with a bond.

The Present....

It was morning In Inazuma city, the sun shone into the room, you turned over In bed covering your mouth as you yawned, just then Keiko slid the door open to your bedroom 

"Good morning, Lady (Y/n), time to rise"

you sat up on the futon, pushing the comforter off, before you got up with stretch of your arms, heading to take a bath and get ready, Keiko had already filled the round wooden tub with semi-hot water and soap, you undressed from your night Yukata, getting into the tub, Keiko handed you a cloth as you washed your face first, before starting to wash yourself, as Keiko started washing your hair for you just as before, she soaped up your hair and scalp 

you winced "Keiko, I've never commented on It before, but you always pull my hair"

Keiko giggled a bit "Apologies, It's not Intentional just habit"

you looked at your reflection in the water, no longer that malnourished little girl, but now a healthy, twenty year old young woman, you'd come a long way in the last years 

on this thought, you continued to wash yourself, you then remembered your mother had secluded herself, once again In the Plane of Euthymia, having the Shogun In her stead again, when it came to the Shogun she treated you well, but much stricter than your Mother Ei 

you let out a sigh "how long will Mother confine herself"

"I'm not sure, but It seems she has things to work out Internally"

you gave a nod, before you finished and Keiko poured the water over your head, rinsing out the soap she then wrung It out, combing through It a little, before she finished getting you a towel, you stood up dripping a little, taking the towel you dried yourself, before putting on a white Yukata, going back to your bedroom, Keiko went to the Kirintansu drawer taking out your short purple Kimono, you put on a white undress and Haneri, she helped you put on the Kimono, Keiko got the Obi was decorated with flower's, she tied the Obi making sure It was neat 

you closed the etching at your neck, as she then smoothed out the sleeves, before you put on a pair of black stockings, going in front of the little mirror as Keiko did your hair, she combed It out before putting half of It up into a bun, but the rest was in a braid hanging over your shoulder, she put a decorative silver pin into the bun to finish It off, Keiko bowed stepping back 

you gave a smile "Thank you, Keiko"

she rose "of course, breakfast is ready"

you stood up too, but almost forgot your Vision, quickly attaching It onto the Obi of your outfit, you then left your bedroom, walking through the halls of the palace, these last few years Raiden Ei had the palace fixed up more Inside, as to have the resources you needed, you came to the dining room just as the cook placed breakfast on the table, you went to kneel on a tatami mat 

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